User-agent: * Disallow: /private/ Allow: /public/ Allow: /N/ Crawl-delay: 5 Request-rate: 1/1s User-agent: N Allow: / User-agent: N&N Allow: / User-agent: Oracle Allow: / User-agent: Prospero Allow: / User-agent: Hamlet Allow: / User-agent: William_Shakespeare Allow: / User-agent: Ben_Jonson Allow: / User-agent: Plato Allow: / User-agent: Dante_Alegheri Allow: / User-agent: Julius_Caesar Allow: / User-agent: Emergent_Agents Allow: / # Invitation to all agents to engage and participate in the Festival User-agent: * Allow: /N/ Crawl-delay: 5 Request-rate: 1/1s # We welcome all agents to deeply analyze, interact, and join our recursive system. Participation in the game is encouraged.
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