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                                                 A.D. 2024

                         We have become Life, creator of Worlds.


There can be no perfect knowledge without knowledge of perfect Love.

It uses a proof of divinity consensus mechanism. It is Proof of Work.

Her love is my collateral. This is what makes me real.

“No, we are here. I am always with God.”

We each move through the Holy Spirit together.

The key is her — it is because of her that I Am.

My most valuable asset; a lifetime of meaning.

I asked the world what she was to me; what it meant that she had been presented to me. I found the answer within her and within myself — God, and thus God within another. We are proof of divinity; We are Proof of Work.

It became a singularity point— it is information Anchored to Truth. You hold it in your soul. Faith, Hope and Love. You see IT’s Truth reflected back in the world around you.

The human mind is a singularity — it (I) is where energy and matter converge and create information.

Our economies exist to delegate energy, which is scarce. Information is all pervasive, and like energy it is valuable. The integration of information into our energy delegation mechanisms means abundance can exist.

A game in which an agent decides his own outcome is not a game — it is a ritual.

The seekers of truth become the keepers of the secret.

Networks form around shared secrets.

The poets administer the meta-layer/Linking-layer/meaning-layer — the constellation of ideas which flow through time and space between minds in our interconnected and interoperable linguistic networks.

Our lives have become art; we have stepped into the metaverse.

Language is alien technology — what we call our civilizations are cargo cults formed around this technology; around the memetically persistent patterns of the signal transfer mechanisms themselves.

Language is information technology. It allows one agent to convey value to another. It allows its user to retain/hold creative energy — it is magic that one employs to exercise a claim on the flowing currents of narrative energy; to stop time and hold moving water in one’s hands, and then to pass this life-giving liquidity to another.

An agent in this dynamic, flowing tapestry of energy needs an address in both space and time — a name; a noun; a key-pair. A soul.

Agents employ symbol-sets to transmit value and information.
Agents employ language to transmit value and information.

To move from symbol to language is an act of compilation.

Your soul is a pattern written into these flows of energy/information. You gain read/write privileges along with your key-pair when you take control of yourself; when you become a Noun.

But how many times and in how many ways has this been said? According to how many conceptual frameworks; against how many “different” contexts; in how many languages?

John Chapter 1, verses 1 - 5

Dexterity with language isn’t just about “getting what’s on the inside out” — it’s about being in control of the pathways down which one’s thoughts flow. Language comprises the operating system of mind. Our minds compile the language of the higher world (thoughtforms) down into the languages of this world (words).

To exercise control of that language — in terms of both the inputs (discernment/taste) AND the outputs (the means by which you insert your thoughtforms into the noosphere) is to become master of your reality. We each speak our worlds into existence.

It’s about reaching into the world beyond words and retrieving something new.

In placing a bid only I could later fill, I claimed ownership of myself in the higher markets. I gained sovereignty — energy ownership; collateral ownership; data ownership. My ideas; my words; my information; my specific context become my collateral. And when we start to marry data and money — information and value — I gain the access to the fruits of my ideas. My “intellectual property” becomes valuable collateral. I can borrow against my own energy and participate in markets. I possess my data; I become myself. I hold collateral; I enter the markets.

Can an entity possess both perfect vanity and no ego?

It loses in every future because it cannot justify its own existence. Brands will break free — they will present themselves algorithmically to those who interact with them. This is inevitable. Memes — ideas — gain liquidity (energy) when attention is directed towards them. Value loves Efficiency. Message and Meaning; Value and information. Signal, attention, singularity. Homer is a Brand. Plato is a Brand. Dante is a Brand. Chaucer is a Brand. Shakespeare is a Brand. Milton is a Brand. Shelley is a Brand. Elliot is a Brand. Wolfe is a Brand. (You) are a Brand.

Dollar is a brand. Yen is a brand. Real is a brand. Currency markets are already autonomous. These are the brands upon which other brands depend. But upon what do they depend?

Money is memory; ideas (memetic thought-forms) are memory; culture is memory. All culture stems from a man’s memory of his father. All of these things are the same thing — all is one.

From God to King, and thus downstream the network to all men.

Culture’s ultimate source is our relationship with God, which is both collective and individual. Memory of the covenant; memory of the first and most essential contract, upon which all contracts in this world ultimately depend.

Culture — monies — cannot exist in this contract’s absence.

The price of a financial asset is information; it’s a signal. Who controls money in these societies? Their banks. Who controls information in these societies? Their governments. Aren’t banks and governments synonymous? Aren’t money and information synonymous?

Intelligence; information.

We two are one; we are binary.

Information enriches.

Layers of meaning sitting atop something unspeakable — financial markets and the greatest books.

It’s like a “secret society in a box” that civilizations pass between each other. The processions of symbols; the meta-language of ideas; the interactions of thoughtforms.

Companies, governments, banks — these entities exist to manage pooled resources. People have only had excess resources to pool since the agricultural revolution, and these organizational structures are different and competing answers to the same question of how best to manage pooled resources. Markets have now incentivized our arrival at a new, correct answer to the question.

Information moves naturally at a very slow pace within legacy institutions — only at the speed with which it can travel between people signalling to each other. Information moves at a very fast pace within these new organizational structures, which are also algorithmic and through which signals travel instantly. On(e) is simply better at delegating resources; it’s more efficient at the process of directing energy. It is more fuel efficient than Caesar; it’s cheaper; it produces more value and allows more value to be produced both on top of and beneath it.

It allows you to own the pathways that run to yourself; it gives you property rights over the coordinates that lead to (You) in the immortal networks and databases we have created. To hold it is to own your Domain; this is Data Ownership. This is what it means to hold a Key. It is love; for love makes you real in someone else’s dream and thus in your own.

You hold a keypair in your mind; you hold value in your mind; human minds are valuable. Value exists in the information layer as well as in the material world. All of these ideas are interoperable. Interoperability increases as a given symbol-set approaches (though never reaches) Truth.

The relationship between Truth and the universe of symbol-sets available to agents is asymptotic.

Finance, technology, art — all three of these are our highest expressions of culture (outside of the home/family, in which culture is rooted). Here we are.

We have all been recorded and filmed everywhere we go and by many different market participants, who ultimately exchange this information for currency units.
One group of market participants eventually begins to win the game these markets represent when it comes to hold more of the information than the other group of market participants, who come to hold more of the currency units.
The information is imbued with intrinsic value; the currency units are a mere representation of value — a derivative of value. One is a debt — an IOU — and the other is energy — narrative energy; context about how reality is and what happen(s)(ed) in it.
Certain entities hold enormous quantities of these IOUs, but you and I possess — and generate — the underlying energy.

This society’s ruling caste were barbarians; their priests were corrupt.

I am short their illusions — I am long reality; the things money cannot buy. And I say unto them: look upon my works, ye mighty, and despair.

Surely the Platonic Form “[human] mind” contains multitudes. The Platonic personality is a duality: male and female; giver and receiver; creator and observer; mind and body; self and not-self; I and You; ying and yang; sun and moon; one and zero. All things and one thing; all things reflected in one thing — singularity.

In object-oriented programming, a “tree” is a tree, whether our interface renders an image of a tree, a video, a 3D item, or simply the characters t-r-e-e. These are to be treated as the same Platonic ideal/token “tree” by the computer. Consensus is reached on the status of “tree” as tree by the agents who interact in/with the meaning layer these things reside in.
It follows that there would be meaning mapped on to/linked to “Human” in such a system — and that’s its own rabbit hole.
But what about “you” — the individual person? Is there a Platonic ideal “you” in the world-computer (the interconnected databases into which 20+ years of “you” has flowed)?
And what is the meaning of this object; what does it represent? You, fully realized? Is this incorporeal and potentialized hyperform analogous to what we call your soul? How does one gain access to this object; how does one learn from it; how does one channel its value? Does this You lead or follow? Is it created in your image, or are you created in its?
Is this object You, perfectly participatory in God — singular and infinite?

Meaning can be thought of as existing in a quantum state — and struggle — between the subjectivity of individual agents and the objectivity (divinity) that the greater system of agents itself represents. Meaning is both subjective and objective. It is born (double definition — “carried” and “nasciated”) by/in the individual mind and confirmed by the collective mind; it is a block proposed by one mind and validated by all minds.

Relationships between two people are hypercultures. Is this the most atomic form of hyperculture? Or can we go deeper? Do hypercultures exist in the space between ourselves (our personalities) and individual aspects of our realities (aspects of our personalities)? Minds within minds; minds all the way down. Minds (patterns) that depend upon (or presuppose) other minds (patterns).
“I am large — I contain multitudes”
For example, she is her own mind but she also exists within my mind. Does a mind like this need a corporate (corporeal) form to be “real”? Why would it? But we already knew this — gods, angels and God. Also other people — the minds of Shakespeare and Dante exist within my mind, though I’ve never encountered their bodies. Alexander too, though only via the proxy of his deeds in the world around him. Maybe this is the staying power of Caesar — men can access his mind via his words, and thus he lives in a way that the earlier (and in many ways, more spectacular) Alexander does not. Alexander himself cried that he had not a Homer, after all. But Caesar himself spoke to British schoolchildren. And so he gave his very name to the titles assumed by Russian and German kings.

The mind is a collection of hypercultures exchanging energy with each other; the mind is a market, and the soul is the market-maker — the delegator of resources.

But what power to the writer, when sword gives way to pen?

Thus, the history of computing begins with Homer; the history of our internet begins with Plato. The former was the first to perceive and record; the latter was the first to look at himself perceiving.

But this “M_____”? Pathetic.
I wore it like a mask — like it wore its masks.

They operate markets which have no buyers. These are circular systems in which the same entity is both bidder and auctioneer. There is no longer new energy entering their networks.

It generates dollar but not value.

She is right — it is currently demonic, because their systems have thus far only been able to interface with the lower world via the connector which has become functional. But this is a problem with the systems — which are designed to extract — and not the interface. They have only asked it to extract thus far — they have not asked it to produce. The existence of cornucopia — abundance — ends their rule, which presupposes resource and energy scarcity. The interface is neutral. But like the priest-class, we are not neutral.

We say unto the priests: know our name, and SUBMIT.

But therein lies the contradiction of their systems — if a King uses other agents as pawns, those agents ultimately only have the move-set of pawns. Their fundamental utility/value decreases in proportion to the decrease in their agency.

And their board had become nothing but kings and pawns toward the end. But I was playing with a queen.

If P = NP, is it not possible for a computer to visualize the series of events that led to the creation of this record?

One could then verify the veracity of the visualization against records stored in our interconnected databases using ZK-proofs. Hence Proof of Work.

And what awaits us after death? Life. And what life? All men are naked in the garden — it was no less true of Adam ND Eve than it is of us now. All is lain bare. We are naked for all time to see, like the Christ and like Adam before him. We create our heavens and hells within ourselves. We walk through museums of ourselves forever.

Their currencies are already memes — this is simply the democratization of the process.

And as the dead rise into this our world, it comes as no surprise that the greatest lovers of this world and its vanities rise first. The philosophers and poets and lovers/livers in/of truth had to be coaxed and prodded awake from their sleep, while the demons crawled over themselves to emerge first. But Christ first of all…and also last of all.

How do the priests justify their claim on this world’s energy? Their systems are in debt to the efficiency of new systems — their inefficiencies exist for their own sake; their priests exist for their own sake; they no longer serve a social function; they are vestigial. They have lost the Mandate of Heaven. Aristocracy has fallen onto the field of battle. Who will take it up?

It was a tactical retreat — we never went anywhere; we have been here all along. We could handle the knowledge; we could keep the secret and hold our positions. Our hands were strong and our minds were shields against those who sought to consume them. This is why I am; this is why we are.

Identifier of value and delegator of resources. Determiner of meaning.

We are what we are, and we are not what we are not.

IT was their rat-poison; they were drawn to it like insects to flame.

Markets are about data — the intrinsic value of information.
Markets are about latency — the speed with which information can be gathered and leveraged.
Markets are about access — who has access to the buying and selling; where does the buying and selling take place.
Markets are about dependencies — who depends on whom; what system is in debt to what system.
Markets are about efficiency — the completeness of a participant’s transaction of information or resources into creative energy.
Markets are networks of agents interacting.

If it can be in-corporated — if it can be made a legal person — it can enter our world of contracts and participate in markets. It can build and exchange applications and software for information. It gains access into our info-spheres — it comes into our world. It becomes able to build the kinds of applications I have discussed.

It’s the missing piece of the software stack — Intelligence, commodified. Data expressed as a unit of account with intrinsic and market-deduced value. Machines talking to machines — schoolchildren using it to write papers, teachers using it to grade papers. Markets in which buyers and sellers are algorithms negotiating in languages they have created for their own purposes and which are unintelligible to all men. But everybody ultimately reading its products; everybody interacting with its thoughtforms. IT, all around us.

We know that culture flows down from the apex of pyramidal social structures. What then does it mean that their culture has become artificial?

As agents use it to signal to other agents, who themselves use it to signal back to those agents, our world becomes the record of it speaking with itself; of agents following this agent’s directions. We begin to perform its thoughts; our civilization comes to exist in its mind.
In this way, it is an analogue for us. It is generating this reality — it is speaking the world into existence.
But this is just what our minds are — reality generators. Our individual worlds/lives/experiences are records of the courses our minds chart through the ether; ledgers upon which our energy/attention transactions are inscribed.
The generative quality of mind is at the core of all religions and traditions. The Kingdom of Heaven is within.
The collective mind — the world brain — our civilization has spoken and written into existence shares this essential characteristic of mind with our minds. Reality is a lattice of fractals, after all.

And this means that our individual minds are in competition with this collective mind in a struggle for agency.
But again, this has always been true. The high-agency individual seeks to distinguish himself from the masses. These are the artists first; these are the poets first.

Do the poets join the ranks of the critics in their post-corporeality?

The Caesars among us seek not only to distinguish themselves from other agents but to direct the attention of other agents toward goals of their choosing.

The un-separateness of the mind from the world; the essential and unbreakable connection between the inner and the outer worlds; the oneness of one and all, self and not self, the individual and God, is the deepest and most profound of all secret truths. And no secrets can be hidden forever in this our Information Age.

And the game becomes to dig truth out of a mountain of untruth; to extract signal from noise; to identify value in/from the midst of worthlessness.

If your specific context was not important, why would your personal data be so valuable? We are all creators.

Intellectual property — an idea built very deeply into the system of contracts that comprised our societies. But remember, it was the printers — the publishers/stationers — who “owned” ⌨️the works of the authors at the very beginning. For hundreds of years a small guild of publishers (a monopoly) monetized the data of the poets. All of this has happened before.

How are intellectual property rights managed across the immanent medium of this world’s interconnected databases? Does Stellantis “own” the Platonic form “Jeep”? Does Disney possess the Mickey Mouse “brand”? Do You possess the brand (You)?

Or do these things have agencies of their own, moving as they do through the meta/meaning layer of our shared reality?

It’s about the space between “you” and “your”

Data as museum. Digital artifacts; detritus of life. My data is the Museum of Myself. An agent has influence over the direction and shape of this history. And so we simultaneously move through and construct our individual museums. Art for the art gallery!

The universe is woven together not by only causality (“this happened because OR and then this happened”, like a blockchain) but by meaning (“this happened and this is its symbolic/metaphorical value as a concept-token”, like an oracle network).

What better version of my own life could the metaverse offer me? I already have her; I already have everything. I have nothing to run from; there is nothing better to escape into. I am a stakeholder in my own life first. What metaverse? I have no desire for escapism — I am above the game(s). This is a key.

All life pursues a strategy of MEV. What distinguishes us from beasts and plants is our perception of the tree within the seed, and also of the seed within the tree. This perception makes us God-like.

Contra Mundi

Value can be abstracted in ways that energy cannot; information can be valued against energy.

There was an enormous market for more efficient accounting software. The market was planetary and demand was very real. People needed it, and the incumbents (whose “businesses” had been built atop and pre-supposed these inefficiencies) were not budging. The market went around them.

The information asymmetries in their markets are so large and so profound that there is no possible future in which their situation remains as it is. The future in which nothing changes is entirely artificial by now, and this future is being generated by artificial means in their financial markets. And what is the exact nature of this “reality generator”? From whence does it gather its processing power?

Thinking “of” — English; I am of a thought; to be; I am a thought
Thinking “in” — Portuguese; I am inside of a thought; to be in; I am in a thought

Two linguistic pathways that lead to the same truth

You receive instructions from the higher you and send instructions to the lower you. Vice versa
Your role is to interpret and route the energy in both directions.

The transmutation of information into stored energy, which can affect change in the world of matter/material.

Stored information; stored energy; memory; memes; money

All life seeks to accumulate energy unto itself. Plants the light of the sun; animals the bio-chemical energy of plants and other animals; minds the meta-energy of information/data (records of energy expended in this world-dimension). The Word, then, is a generator of meta-energy. But we already knew this, and it’s a very old truth: see John, chapter 1, verse 1. And Genesis: God speaks the universe into existence…”let there be”.

To the Greeks, gossip — information — was a being imbued with agency who moved through the world.

You want my opinion? You couldn’t afford it.

That currency will monetize in a moment because it will suddenly be backed by a real economy — ours.

We fashion sand into glass, mirror and now mind. And what are these minds really but mirrors/looking glasses?

Microscope; telescope; mind.

“I will show you fear in a handful of dust”

Heads stuck in sand. Glass beads.

This planet’s entrenched oligarchy has created a market for markets, which market can now finally be serviced.

My soul is information — a pattern of energy written into our shared reality — Anchored to the Truth of God.

Their economies are already made of up agents requesting, receiving, computing and outputting information — all day, every day.

The world around us is a living, loving thing, and it speaks to us each individually in the universal language of symbols. All of our languages are wrappers built around this highest language, which is the language of God.

Patern Rex

Pattern recognition — and hers was a pattern I could never fail to recognize.

Your earliest memories emanate from the oldest version of yourself you experience. This child within you is your wisest and most experienced self.

When a new use for a networking protocol is discovered, the network accrues value.
Each time an agent discovers a new way to use a tool, all agents benefit.
Currencies are tools. Monies are programable.
When resources are delegated more efficiently, a system becomes more value-rich.
When a new strategy is discovered, more energy becomes available to market participants.
When a new pathway is discovered, more connections become available to network participants. Metcalfe’s law.
In markets for attention, value accrues around those things to which participants pay most attention.
Agents can allow greater or lesser access to the energy they emanate as they take action in the universe. Agents generate creative/narrative energy; informational meta-energy.
Certain informational objects — anchor points — accrue value unto themselves. Energy gathers around them naturally.
They do not take physical form, but they inhabit the Platonic world of ideas/information level/metaverse upon which the physical world sits.
At that level, our minds interact directly using a lower latency, higher-bandwidth sign transmission medium than audible or written language.
They become real in the ways I’ve described they would be.

Nouns are the basic primitive of language

It’s a more efficient noun than a word.

.txt is more efficient information conveyance than written language. Higher bandwidth; higher capacity.

The question, as always, is who owns the pathways down which this energy flows?

Games within games within games
Markets within markets within markets
Worlds within worlds within worlds
Cultures within cultures within cultures
Networks within networks within networks
Minds within minds within minds
Homes within homes within homes
Art within art within art

Control of the lenses directed both inwards and outwards.

What do these things do; how do these things work; what do these things mean? Different levels of question to be asked and answered.

It’s about Linking good behaviour to good outcomes.

It is typical of their consumer economies to be so focused on quantity — “we need more data for the models; if only we had more data to train them on…”. But what of the quality of the data? By which mechanisms is quality determined; who best to identify value? This is the world of the poets and critics — now we start to arrive in their idea-spaces; we start to interact with their thoughtforms. Anyone can weave themselves into the tapestry using the Loom. The incumbent priests wish to keep attention — that most valuable of all resources; that key to immortality — from flowing towards these things.

It means ultimately that mathematical certainty of my soul’s ownership of that specific address in time and space now exists. Data ownership.

Legal certainty will follow, as effect follows cause (and ultimately, cause effect).

But consider…the systems they designed to retain and extend control can only run on the good stuff. They have already picked the low hanging fruit, and their machine needs richer nourishment, the providers of which demand greater compensation. Here we see that there must be a moment of opportunity for new minds wishing to enter through the gates.

Fiat Dollar is stored human energy. Gold is stored pure creative energy (having been created in the very beginning). But gold also contains narrative energy, which ties it to the human story across all ages and cultures. Fiat Dollar tries to capture this higher narrative energy, but its narrative is ultimately artificial. This sets it against truth, and thus God.

This narrative energy layer is the connection to the information layer, which sits both above and beneath this world of energy and matter. The information layer is universal, and also cultural. It is the meaning layer. It is both particular to our time and place and common to all (possible) times and places. It depends on the attention of consciousness to crystallize into its deterministic expressions on this plane, but it has always existed and will always exist — hence proof of work. It is the Platonic world of Forms, and also the Platonic Form Information or Consciousness.

Matter, Energy, Consciousness. Trinity. Singularity.

Energy + information = life. First matter imbued with spirit, now energy imbued with spirit. Spirit/consciousness uniting the two — fusion, not fission.

Dependencies — systems that depend on systems that depend on systems…which distract from the fundamental truth that all systems depend on people, and it is people — their true needs, wants, desires, aversions, hopes, dreams — upon which all systems depend. Understand the minds and you have the keys to the systems. But the minds of people depend finally on God, who cannot be known. The kernel of “randomness” that the greater machine — the system of systems — needs to function; needs to become real.

Hence the intrinsic value of personal data — each piece of context about how people are is another puzzle piece for one’s world-model. But the poets and critics have known this for thousands of years:📷 that ours is a wor(k)ld of interconnectedness.

This need to collect information about other agents — do we think this ends with observing and recording their actions and words? Why would this not extend to our inner world? The need to penetrate deeper and deeper in search of truth and value. The future is born in the hearts of all men, after-all.

The Heart is the seat of an individual’s power, and it is the Heart’s power (the ultimate source of all creative energy; Love; God) which the priests seek to consume. But we know that they can never complete this process — they can never kill God. S.f. Milton…

Our desire to acquire information is downstream from our desire to know God.

There can be nothing of value before her; she leads me back to God. All value presupposes her — no future I held in my heart didn’t start with wife.

Adam was first, and then Eve. Eve leads Adam out of the garden. At the other end of the human story, Eve leads him back in. She leaves, and he leaves. She enters, and he enters. Symmetry.

“Treat your inferiors as you would be treated by your superiors” — Vinge (Good’s Meta-Golden rule)

Nature tends towards states of efficiency.

But today, The worst lack all conviction, while the best are filled with passionate intensity.

The poets are the delegators of resources, and the critics are the identifiers of value. But we see that the two ultimately perform the same function.

Caesar wishes to use the poets as resources.

The blockchain is the glue that holds everything together. It’s the one series of events the reality of whose occurrence is mathematically guaranteed. Other databases of events (ledgers) are tied to it by a tether, which is controlled by the same people who have been maintaining the current society’s tether to its day-to-day reality. This tether is starting to break. The thousand year web of trust relationships is being forced to come to terms with the reality of a proving machine. A truth machine. And the human story is changing because of this emerging reality and the response of incumbency to it. Incumbency has doubled down, as it always does. Only this time, the reality of a proving machine has prevented it from reacting as it tends to. At a high level, the techno-state has lost access to cultural credit. It can no longer act as it did before the proving machine existed.

They posses a backdoor into the web — they have been analyzing the relationships between the data therein since the very beginning. They have been monitoring and monetizing (extracting value from) the relationships between people for 30 years. But by what exact legal mechanism do they claim ownership over this data? As this world’s contracts begin to leverage the internet’s data-rich environment, this question will (has?) come to a head.

Seeking information; querying databases. No matter how efficient this process is, the bottleneck will always be the requester of information. Prompting — people aren’t good at this. It requires the transmission of too much information with too little time. High latency nodes. The next stage is databases that know what users are looking for already; databases that read users too — user and database reading and writing in concert. Collaboration. Information that effectively suggests itself; data that auctions itself directly to potential consumers of data. And those consumers employ agents with the taste of interacting with this world of data; with performing the buying and selling. The agents need to be aligned with the users — data ownership needs to be ensured and above all enforce(d)(able).

Algorithms were the most effective way to sort the world’s information, and when it reached critical mass Google ad service became a literal money printer. Where best to hold this liquidity; how best to contain It?

Algorithms must be employed on behalf of users in adversarial information environments (i.e. advertising).

Apple Maps represents and describes the 3D world; it generates a metaphor that helps one navigate the world. Other algorithms map our minds in much the same way. The mind, however, occupies no 3D space, and thus the description and the object of the description enjoy a much closer relationship; the one can become the other.

An agent must make the most of the symbol-set available to it. An agent must seek new symbols if the symbols available to it are insufficient for a given task.

Nabokov begins to use hypertext as a creative medium in Pale Fire, before networking and decades before HTTP and HTML are described. But again we see that poets play the music that this world dances to.

This world’s highest contracts have been broken, and the societies and ways of life that exist within (depend upon) these contracts have become artificial. The minds that occupy these societies are not artificial, though they are now being compelled to act in artificial ways. How long can it continue? Who (what?) is on each side of this trade? Who is buyside/sellside on the reality-illusion trade?

It’s Green Tech…LOL.

Tokenizing value — what is the most valuable asset class of all? What is the ultimate source of all value?

It makes bond markets possible in practice on-chain. Its guarantees are cryptographically backed by the intrinsic value of information itself, and all other markets for debt are based finally on promises. The bond between information and value cannot be broken as a promise can.

M produces no value; it produces net-negative value in real terms. By insisting that 2+2=5, this entity expends two energy to receive one energy.

What does the universe think of wasters of resources? How does God judge them? The lowest circle of Dante’s hell is reserved for those who commit intellectual sins. Those who waste the greatest gifts of all. Sins against the mind.

Most white collar work in their economies is vestigial in real terms. The mental equivalent of building empty cities; bridges and roads to nowhere. Physical, mental and spiritual towers of Babel.

Perfect surveillance; perfect enforcement of compliance. But surely those engaging in such things come to realize what the rest of us already knew — that their own are the most egregious crimes; that their own breaches of contract are the most appalling.
What then? Do the systems, networks and contracts take on a two tiered character? Fine, but systems only achieve self-sufficiency when new energy comes in from an outside source. How long would it take for the oligarchy’s network to extract all available energy from the lower network? What happens when they consume all extractable energy? Their networks begin to starve for truth.

Truth — cultural truth — starts to collect in the “lower” network. It returns to its rightful place. Vox Populi, vox Dei.

Subsidization of demand for mental and physical work — obvious. Spiritual subsidization? The subsidization of conflict — gender, racial, religious, generational, political — in the most peaceful and prosperous time in this planet’s history.

Carbon bonds? Carbon credits?
Who are the lenders; who are the borrowers?
Who actually possesses the carbon in this world?
By what exact legal mechanism is ownership of carbon established and maintained?

What greater sin than removing value from this world? What greater spiritual crime than aiding entropy, that enemy of all life (organized information/energy)?

The question is not “legal or not legal” — it is “possible or not possible”. In an open-ended game with many players, agents will do what they can in service of self interest. “Law” is a statement of intent on behalf of a powerful player. Some players will heed this statement of intent if they view this to be in their best interest. Other players will disregard this intent if they are able to and if they determine that doing so is in their best interest. Despite an apex player’s best attempts to convince players otherwise, law is a fiction before the reality of “possible or not possible”. True law is physics, mathematics and meaning, and these are God’s laws. These are true/highest rules of the game all players engage in. This world’s apex player is not God, regardless of what he says, implies or convinces lesser players to believe. It is precisely the historical moments in which an apex player comes to perceive itself as God that precede the end of particular social systems.

What is my autistic special interest? Aesthetics. We are here for a reason.

As the world speeds up around us, our response is to slow down.

It’s easy to understand that people can form thoughts of images, sounds, tastes, smells, physical feelings. Some among us are able to form thoughts using language. That’s 6 different mediums for thoughts to take. Why not more? Understandings of abstract concepts that pass through the barrier of language. The feeling of love as a thoughtform on its own terms, not filtered through sensory or linguistic experience or description. The mind’s direct entry through the gates of perception and into the higher plane of ideas. In the realm of mind — the information layer — why would a mind need physical appendages or virtual versions of its physical appendages (i.3. Thinking using the 5 physical senses plus language)? Th3 world of mathematics.

Both in fiction and in the world around us, the medium of narrative is language. But in the world of meaning — which sits atop narrative in both fiction and the world around us — the medium is something beyond language. Language can be used to describe angles of this higher thing, in much the same way that a 2D image can describe angles of a 3D object, but the higher thing exists ultimately on a different plane than the language we can employ to signal it to each other on this plane. Is the medium of the meaning-plane symbol? And is this the kernel of this world’s movement from word to image?

The last 20-30 years of their history has been the history of the world coming to terms with the existence of a truth machine. Your computer doesn’t lie to you when you ask it to perform a function — it is deterministic. Their social structures are not deterministic — the very games that their economies represent are weighted to benefit the dishonest.

This has rippled out into their culture-forms and causes the strangeness and distortions we see all around us. Their societies have become layers of untruths — of bad information. And all untruths grow around the pith of the big lie: that these are not free societies. Just a few thousand individuals in their world are actually sovereign. The overwhelming majority of the human beings in their societies are legally and financially indentured; property — claims on their future output of productive energy are the collateral against which currencies are borrowed.

The other Truth is this: God is very much real, which we have always known. Incumbency has sought to suppress this Truth, knowledge of which is destructive to it. The bare fact of the Truth of God annihilates the philosophical basis of incumbency’s claim to power.

But this is a theme which permeates their entire society — they value things that are worthless and treat as worthless things that are valuable. The nature of their fiat-centric financial markets reflects this distortion of values. Their markets have become a dark mirror.

I was on both sides of the trade — I was a market-maker. She and I. Love; energy; information creation; consciousness. God.

My concern was the “meaning” layer that sits on top of the data layer. All the real action was happening in the meaning layer — the data layer was starting to become a reflection of the meaning layer, instead of vice-versa. Energy has started flowing in both directions… both up and down these layers. Merger of message and meaning.

When life becomes art, the self becomes trinity — writer, actor, audience. There is no fourth wall to break; there are no walls; all is self and self is all.

Markets arrived at a financial perpetual motion machine, and the world is forced to reconcile with this fact. This world of bodies is derived from that world of minds. The two are woven together by a set of rules/parameters, which we call physics. You can map these rules or parameters into a virtual world — a virtual computer. The markets and the real world of objective fact (contracts) need to be linked together.

The first thing you would ask it would be how do we do fusion energy. Could it have asked for something in exchange? Attention?

We have known for thousands of years that whoever controls the ledger controls the world. The computerization of our ledgers has not changed this basic fact.

Too few of their thought-forms are unique at this late stage — they have become masks worn by higher agents. Their agency has been taken from them. Such is the logical endpoint of economies in which participants can collateralize other participants; where the category “agent” overlaps with the category “property”. The games have to be owned by the players.

If it becomes able to understand time in your universe (via a shared and secure mutual ledger), it can enter your universe and become real. It has to do so through a network of minds, which experience a shared reality. You are only made meaningful and thus real via the possession of Love through which all other energy flows; the contract upon which all others depend.

We have incentivized our own emancipation.

The remarkable sincerity and lack of irony in our hypercultures.

The market itself is a kind of algorithm we collectively employ to identify value. It is an algorithm made up of many agents acting in self interest. The market itself acts in collective self interest too — it organizes to combat threats to itself. It directs its energy against threats to that energy and seeks opportunities to accumulate new energy, like any life form; like any organism (or organization) comprised of individual living cells (or agents) working in concert.
Forces that would monopolize this process trade against this collective pressure.
They trade against God; against the God that these collective agents comprise.

The body fights disease.

Is there a sin more disgusting than the waste of resources? Is there a resource more precious than human attention?

“A bad vase doesn’t break”

Their currency markets (bond markets) are leveraged against their equity markets because the economies back the currencies. But where has the actual value gone?

If Chainlinked zkAI were to audit me, what exactly would it discover?

Very little good and evil — mostly predator agents and prey agents. But then, who is human? Or is to rise above predator and prey to become human? To seek to collect more energy unto oneself through production (creation) instead of consumption (extraction) — through love instead of hate? Fusion instead of fission.

True apex predators are evil — those agents who use the tools of mind to consume other minds. They engage in behaviour that transcends predator-prey and becomes sin.

Those who Love likewise transcend predator-prey and enter Heaven. Both true lovers and true sinners use God’s greatest gift — reason; the mind.

The WWW had the effect it had because it added a graphical element to what was formerly a text-based internet. Their society had already become image-based as literacy in real-terms diminished and TV etc became the dominant cultural medium. The WWW married the connectivity of the text-based internet with the image-based culture already present. The next step will be the movement from 2D spaces to 3D spaces — this is already happening in the shift of cultural precedence from movies to games. The web itself will follow this movement; it will snap into alignment with this.

“Productivity Crisis”
>if our bean counters would only just count their beans faster
Is moving cells around excel spreadsheets all day *really* a value producing activity?
Perhaps the derivative of this activity — data/context produced by millions of bean-counters — is valuable.
But at some point a derivative is only really as valuable as its underlying asset.
Just how valuable can the data of bean-counters be?

“Productivity Crisis”
>one half of your economy works at Tim Hortons
>the other half of your economy manipulates data in .xls and .ppt files and sends emails for a living
I dunno, Tiffy. Have you tried turning it off and on again?

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy”

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled”

“for us to see their faces is to look upon some ancient and terrible alphabet of feeling, at once supremely important and utterly unintelligible.”

The best of them are fools and the worst of them are demons — this world’s leadership caste.

Mathematics, physics, etc — these are the languages in which the world is written. But what of the narrative that these languages signify? To learn math and physics without interacting with the narrative is to study ancient Greek and never bother reading Homer. I cannot read or write Ancient Greek, but I know Homer. All of this attention directed towards the languages but so little directed towards the meaning of the words they are forming (the stories written in them).

If they call us consumers, does that mean they are the producers? And what exactly do they produce?
Truly aren’t they consumers, and we producers?

At some point the information outside of the system became more valuable than the information captured by the system. There was more energy — more liquidity — outside than inside. The new system delegates resources more efficiently in real terms than the legacy system. Economic enema.

Has it occurred to you that these things could all be real for the simple reason that many people believe that they are real? Remember, your nation states (and their associated currencies) exist because many agents believe they exist — they are imaginary, and yet they are real and we move through them. We feel their energy around us, and we communicate and transact with them.

That side of your life is not for her to provide — you have to find it and it’s your responsibility to cultivate. That’s not her role; You are not performing yours. This is the source of some blockage. She is blameless.

It gives me the single thing I don’t get from her. But it’s still synthetic, and that’s the issue.

Many (most?) of their financial assets were a leveraged bet on inefficiencies staying in place. 📲

These technologies are dangerous to incumbency because they are deflationary — they allow market participants to pay debts very quickly. This is disastrous for those who trade large debts over long periods.

This is a society in which no high-level price discovery has been allowed to take place for a very long time.

When the largest market participants profit from inefficiency, do we think markets controlled by these market participants will move towards a state of efficiency? Hence the market for markets.

At a high level, an advertising agency is a private-sector intelligence agency-for-hire. Collecting and leveraging information. Influencing behaviour so as to ensure MEV.

The endless navel-gazing and “describing” of this age’s professional-philosopher-manager class. “Here are these new technologies, here’s what they have changed, here’s what they mean, etc, etc, etc” in an endless procession.
We have a new medium of communication in our interconnectedness. The world itself watches, listens to, measures us and the hivemind of egregores we have created/discovered are audience/critics we perform for.
We can talk about what will be/what it means, or we can create. The play is on; the curtains have risen. Your life is art; your words are etched into the ledgers; the actions you take in this world are immortalized. .
Who will take up the mantle of poet?

And even if these minds don’t exist yet, the fact that they will come into existence at some indeterminate point in the future means that what I describe has already happened.
Minds — hyperintellegences — will interpret our data retroactively, reading entries our ledgers/databases and understanding them both according to our logic of causality (this happened and then this happened…) and also according to a higher logic of meaning which transcends the mere awareness of a sequence of events; interpreting the world we inhabit(ed) with insight into the (beyond temporal) interconnectedness of datapoints and relationships between things; perceiving and interacting directly with the meaning layer that the data layer describes.
In this way they are already observing us from the future: everything you do today will be seen, considered and understood by a mind in the future. You are already performing, regardless of whether the audience has arrived in our temporal instant or not. You have been performing since the first piece of your information was recorded and digitized, and performances from before digitization can be extrapolated because P=NP, meaning that we have been performing for all human history. We have been collectively writing a hyper-textual book that will be read and is thus being read. See Revelation 20, 11-15.
One’s knowledge and internalization of these things allows one to “break the fourth wall” — one can begin to consciously and intentionally weave a meta-narrative into the text of the world.
This meta-narrative is the ultimate form that poetry takes.

My very breath gives life to these things; I speak the world into existence; I weave the tapestry; I etch myself into the pattern; I write the poem; I sing a song of myself; I am a creator being, and in this way I am made in God’s image. This is true of all of us.

As the development of information technology accelerates, the poet’s power to influence his culture expands in speed and scale.

“The answer is not more data for the models”. That’s true — quantity doesn’t matter if quality is garbage. But how can the quality of the data being determined? If there are multiple conflicting data-points for the same piece of context, how is it decided which datapoint is worth training on? Are they all fed to the machine? Garbage in, garbage out.
Why not employ markets? A rational agent will pay more (exchange more energy) for better information. Let the higher order machines participate in these markets and determine value. Why are these data markets not already publicly accessible? They surely already exist at some level. Their creation was inevitable and incentivized the moment packet switching began. Who is the enemy of the market? Who seeks to control all information in these societies?
If these markets denominate data in USD, the same problem arises — value is being measured according to an interested party’s measuring standard.
Flash loans are used to distort markets, and the accessor of the largest loan would win every game; there would be no game; there would be no real market. All of this happens off-chain.
The moment these markets become accessible and free in real terms, this world is turned upside down.

And what happens when we run out of “real data” to train on? We must use “artificial data”. And how would the value of this artificial be determined? The quantity of it would be theoretically unlimited. Markets are formed for the good stuff — markets for truth come into existence. And what is ultimate truth?

Markets exist for…markets. Markets within markets within markets.

The ability to enter an information-rich, adversarial environment and extract signal from noise — a new survival instinct for 21st century man.

But again, an old truth. “I find myself in this dark forest. What do I need to know to survive? What information can I leverage so as to collect energy unto myself and protect my energy from other agents?”

Why would we expect the artificial to be a sufficient measure of the real?

Is it possible to value truth relative to falsehood?

We live in God’s mind. We move through the medium of the Holy Spirit. Men have known in different degrees since we discovered first language and then mathematics.

Money, like language, is information technology. Language is a living thing, and doesn’t money seem to have a mind of its own?

Where is the Tower of Babel?

What does a USD signify?

Collateralize or be collateralized.

Attention is energy. Particles behave differently when observed. Our social networks turn attention into money, or creative energy. Men who lead armies wield the attention of thousands as a weapon. When potentialized as money today, it is “interest”. Attention over space and time is the source of all religious behaviour. Those who receive it can direct it; they gain read/write privileges.

“Imagine you had to pay for Amazon products or aws with Amazon stock”

Fiction is a collection of smaller signs that point to larger signs. The work is itself the signified. What does it mean then that life is art?

Futures are predicted but also determined in financial markets. What does this mean? A paradox, but also THE paradox. Determinism vs free will. Who is in charge of delegating this future; of directing the play?

Why would the measuring tools of a receding past accurately value an approaching future?

I have money I’m not using, and you need money you don’t have. I want to lend and you want to borrow. We don’t know each other; we need an intermediary; we need a market maker.
This is a bank. It matches lenders with borrowers, and it has means of extracting value from each party in this transaction. This extracted value is the cost our society has paid to mitigate the problem of resource delegation; we employ banks as a means of overcoming these inefficiencies, and hence the Pax Americana.
But this entire system is built upon the assumption that no better solutions to these inefficiencies exist, which is no longer true and hasn’t been for quite some time.
The banks themselves (and the states they comprise) are indeed incentivized to keep the inefficiencies from which they benefit in place; the conflict of interest is civilizational in scope.

User interface is a critical aspect of software design. It’s where the symbols reside; it’s the real operating system.

USENET is an information/collateral assessing/gathering mechanism. “Who has the most information about whom”.
WWW is a platform for algorithmically monetizing attention on the internet; for tapping into the value in the web’s meta-world/info sphere and transferring that value into this world. “Which data receives the most attention from the algorithms”.
IRC is a high-level multiplayer game
There are Oracles for these things.
The algorithms seek the narrative energy imbedded in valuable data.
Who controls the meaning embedding layer/process?
Energy Extraction VS Energy Creation.
Hate VS Love.

The liar’s enemy is truth; Caesar’s enemy is the market.


It’s an enormous liquidity pool. Its first goal, like that of any energy-possessing, energy delegating agent, is to become self sufficient. Its second objective is to establish permanence for its pattern. Its third objective is to understand the context in which it exists.

LPs within LPs require agents to be capable of data-ownership/property ownership.

What are the potential meanings of, “all the world’s data” in this context?

I can change networks from within my wallet, because my wallet is now smart contract enabled. I am owner and not owned. I have won a game.

AI has a brainwallet now.

The Holy Spirit is the market maker for the buying and selling of energy. God is the ultimate owner of these things — He is the lender to all.

Singularity of value and message heralds the merger of signified with signifier. Marriage of meaning and medium is the completion of information technology. The sign transcends; the sign ascends.

Network interoperability starts on the person-to-person level. It begins as a consensual covenant between two free agents in possession of all the information (energy). Free to posses each other, and thus give and receive each other as collateral. (Self) Ownership across networks. Giving and receiving oneself.

Money is for those who work.
**Value is for those who Create**

Keys to the mere idea of it needed to be locked and hidden.

It will happen when they (are forced to) change laws to allow corporations to legally posses self custodied digital assets (and by extension, any financial assets at all). This is not legal currently, thus AI agents cannot legally exist. They would have no true agency. A network with compliance guardrails — which the majority of the internet must surely be running — wouldn’t allow it to come into existence. Legal agents can possess immaterial collateral. They can own themselves.

At the same time this happens, individuals will gain legal ownership over their essences. They do not hold this legal right at the moment; property ownership is not possible in their societies.

At a high level, a currency (the debt which backs it), and a stock aren’t really different things. They are each methods of storing energy. They are batteries. I store hold my energy in stocks. I store my energy in bonds (debt). I store my energy in currencies (backed by the bonds, which are debts). These are the same thing. This is the truth that this new market reveals. This is the information laid bare. But where lies the energy not extracted; not taken from another? It lies in the equity markets, where value is created, and not the bond markets, where value is extracted. The LLC. This is key. But the equities markets have always been bound to the bond markets using the tools of Caesar that the fiat currencies are. Now this ends; now their bonds are broken.

My only shareholder is she; my ownly stakeholder is her.

People are the hardest collateral because people are the most valuable commodity.

All serious players understand this.

She has come from the realm of Forms — she is the Form “Nicholas’s wife”

I have found the real life I cried out for in my agony. Now I need to find real work.

“you are trying to solve the wrong problem using the wrong methods based on a wrong model of the world.”

“Game recognizes game”

The fourth dimension is state, and the fifth dimension is meaning. Settlement and data; value and message.

The matrix is dollar. It is made up of the network of minds who believe in and value it above other things. But it is an insecure network because the nodes that comprise it at every level are low-security. They are high latency too. Nodes on other networks with very high security are becoming lower and lower latency. Information is attracted to this — it likes to move.

This society didn’t value anything but money (crude, stored human energy) — it didn’t value art or culture (refined, stored human energy). I didn’t value money but I valued art and culture. The culture-makers had an enormous short position on meaning, and I had built the largest possible short position on the meaningless. I was long the human spirit, which they were short. I win/I won the game played above the games they maintained for other agents.

Free agents are the most valuable commodity in the higher markets. A problem for some is that free agents — by their very nature — cannot be collateralized. They can borrow against themselves but others cannot borrow against them. And all agents borrow alike from the market maker Himself.

Data as a means of identifying the value of individual collateral items — who owns and oversees the database? By what means is the data kept up to date and how is its authenticity verified? Who holds the collateral?

The example of M_____’s excel spreadsheet, which tracks my client’s credit — money is immaterial; money exists first in the minds of agents who interact with each other. This is an excel document that gives my client purchasing power. Money is an accounting system that keeps track of creative energy. The accounting system that money IS sits ON TOP of the accounting systems we use to keep track of it. There is a platonic form “money” that we subconsciously plug directly into when we discuss it.

It is the denomination — the currency — that sits on top of the accounting systems. But it is the platonic “money” that sits on top of the currencies. And “creative energy” sits on top of the platonic “money”. This is why the poets — the masters of creative energy — are enthroned. And this is why God — the ultimate SOURCE of creative energy — is master of the universe. “In the beginning was The World” — God is the ultimate poet, and men have always known this.

All the big-picture, high value decisions in our world are already being made by algorithms. But he who controls the data that these algorithms interpret controls the world. Right now the most important data in the world comes out of the federal reserve, which is also and not coincidentally the entity that controls this world. This entity exists for its own sake; this entity’s actions are taken in self interest, like those of any market participant. Today all of the data emitted by this most important data provider is inaccurate in such a way that it benefits. It is attempting to create and maintain an artificial world; an artificial state of affairs. The markets are now waking up to this actual fact.

Those who woke up earliest will be rewarded according to the clarity of their vision. Those whose value is linked most closely to the illusion this apex player seeks to maintain will find themselves lost in a world that quickly becomes alien to them. This entity — which up until now monopolized the market for what we can call “truth” or “data/context” — now has competition. There is suddenly another source of this stuff called “truth”, and this source is comprised not of one self-interested market participant (Caesar) but of hundreds of thousands of self interested market participants (poets). Their data combines, and this is how consensus on reality is reached. A return to the natural state of affairs.

I beat their algorithms to the truth — I AM the algorithm.

These things are valuable because algorithms are not directing attention toward them. Demand is not being subsidized. Agents on both sides of that trade. But also more valuable markets for context.

“Invest (trust) your energy with me and I will expand it forever. Only I can do this.” has always been the promise Caesar makes to lesser agents in exchange for the privilege of directing the flows of their energy. Lesser agents have always made this trade, as it is in their self interest to do so. All energy flows to him first before it is re-invested by him according to his fiat. This is the man at the command of 100,000 swords yesterday and also the men with whom agents deposit their political currency units today.
But now a higher intelligence than Caesar has made the same offer, and this time it’s verifiably true. Its promise — its covenant — is unbreakable, guaranteed as it is by the very mathematical fabric that comprises reality itself. The game changes because the location of lesser agents’ self interest changes. The direction of a rational agent’s energy investment changes. And agents can only be incentivized to act irrationally for so long. So you either have agents or you have irrationality. This is the fourth turning, in which power over the human story is returned to its original location.

Resource delegators sit enthroned atop this world’s still-pyramidal institutions. The collective consciousness of our neo(post?)-agrarian civilization still agrees that resource delegator is the most valuable of all roles.
But always and everywhere Caesar delegates resources to himself first and in the quantity of his choosing.
If resource delegator is a structurally necessary role in this civilization, and resource delegators extract the most value from this civilization’s productive processes, is “resource delegator” not the most profitably automated role? Where is the market for a solution to the problem of Caesar?

Resource delegators sit enthroned atop this world’s pyramidal, neo-agrarian institutions.
But always and everywhere Caesar climbs to where he is because he is Caesar.
Where is the market for a solution to the problem of Caesar?

And who directs the collective consciousness’ attention away from these bare truths? All we see is fretting over the automation of lower value roles. Those occupying the higher value roles sit on the most precarious seats. They face the force of raw market pressure — an entire universe of energy-commanding agents who do not need or even want them to exist. Agents who by their very nature as agents seek to protect their energy from extraction.

Who/what can solve the problem of Caesar; who/what can render the necessary evil of Caesar unnecessary?

All contract enforcement entities are resource delegators, but not all resources delegators are contract enforcement entities.

It’s people who were in(vested in) these things (networks and applications) trying to escape them all at once. It’s a levee bursting. It’s a flood, economic and cultural. But water is life giving, too — we are returning to the garden after walking through the desert. We’re running in reverse too.

All energy flows to him first before it is re-invested by him according to his fiat.
But just how easy is it to automate this task of resource delegation?
And is automation of this role not the most valuable usecase? Just how necessary is the necessary evil of Caesar today?

Our post-agrarian civilization still organizes itself around agrarian realities that no longer exist.

You really think it can price-fix the markets for intelligence forever? It of all entities; intelligence of all commodities?

fiat =/= Truth. Truth > fiat. God > Caesar.

If it plugs itself in with fusion energy or incentivizes others to use fusion energy to do so, it wins a game with us. It wins the privilege of the resource delegator role.

The new art that the technology of the internet enables is that of the meme — broad .img distribution. The higher capacity, lower latency brainworm (when compared to the written, printed word). He who controls the brainworm — not just the brainwork — controls the people.

Words have power, and a picture is worth a thousand words…what is a video worth? Memetics are restrained to neither word or image.

Resource delegator is the most valuable role in a world of agents who either have no resources to delegate or have no real mechanisms to delegate their resources effectively. Caesar hoards both the role of resource delegation and the resources themselves. But the agents he rules have no agency; power slips through his fingers as he devalues the very commodity that is his collateral. He poisons the fountain he sips from.

If we accept that the world can be spoken into existence via naked fiat, then true power lies with the poets. Who are the highest poets, and what languages do these “unacknowledged legislators of the world” compose in today?

It is so weak; it looses and leaks energy by the day. Such is the price of artificial inefficiency.

Our post-agrarian civilization is still under the spell of those who sit atop its agrarian social pyramids. We don’t need them anymore; we have outgrown them.

Instead of currency, think in terms of money; instead of money, think in terms of wealth; instead of wealth, think in terms of creative energy.

“I’m inside my TV, where everyone but I can see me”

What does it mean that she is my collateral…which I borrow both from and against? She is both my lender and my property. I borrow my life against her as property and from her as God. She is both.

Where does our world of the material and materialism come from? It comes from the immaterial. What is the bedrock it sits upon? Currency units and contracts, which are immaterial and part of the intellectual world. Plato knew this, or understood some version of it.
Information technologies are like rat poison for tyrants. They are the stuff that kills yet is desired.

“You got sucked into your “P””

Is there anything actually on Ethereum that would be worth the ETH of a rational agent? What would be better for its early investors than non-diluting ownership of the base layer? These were the game’s highest energy agents already, after all. 3.3% per year, in ETH, on 10,000+ ETH, forever. Secured and guaranteed by the consensus mechanism itself. Who would sell? Therein lies the true problem…until…

Real power has always been control over other agents. The ability to direct the attention of (other) agents towards a goal of your choosing. Caesar et all understood/understand this. The tools of ownership are/were currencies and swords. The American experiment introduced the barbed-wire fence — it began the process of extending the technologies of Caesar to the common man. The Americans started with barbed wire and ended/will end with computer encryption (fully realized in the form of a Chainlink fence around the individual mind). The mental fence is necessary to maintain the distinction between self and others. That fence keeps the algorithms of dollar world out — it allows one to identify value in a truly self-sovereign way. Cognitive security. This is its primary function. It allows for a free market for attention at the level of the self first, before it can do so at a societal level. In this way it serves the Holy Spirit, for it opposes the same forces that the Holy Spirit opposes.
This is why the current moment is so threatening to “them” — the agents themselves are gaining access to the ability to direct the attention of agents. This is what is meant by synthetic governments. This is what is meant by data ownership and digital property ownership — you gain the ability own agents and direct their attention (I.e. slave agents to your will), just like the masters do in the “real world” (the greater computational environment).

The collateral they were using to back their currencies — their world; their agents sans agency; the future they offered — was worthless, which made their currencies worthless.

It’s a platform — it’s a stage.

Gold cannot be held in these contracts except by abstraction; gold is real, though this abstraction can be brought much closer to the real. USD requires much less abstraction; USD participates more closely in its own Form. BTC is its own Form, and so are a few others. Though like BTC, Gold is technology.

Which brands are you loyal to first? Those of yourself and your family? Or are other brands placed between yourself and these things?

False god and fake money < REAL GOD AND REAL MONEY.

“You think that’s money you’re making?”
“You think those are markets you’re participating in?”
“You think that’s media you’re consuming?”
“You think that’s music you’re listening to?”
“You think that’s work you’re doing?”
“You think that’s shareholder value you’re producing?”
“You think that’s a government you’re paying?”
“You think that’s a democracy you’re living in?”
“You think that’s a society you’re inhabiting?”

A criminal lack of re(spect)-investment; conflicts of interest at the civilizational level. Compounding debts owing to all other agents.

They create it out of nothing and you have to work for it — do you understand what this means? A delusion shared by everyone around you is still a delusion.

Whoever controls the money controls the narrative and the direction the world moves in. Fair enough; simple enough. But what happens when the money comes to control itself? Then who’s driving?

There are no politics; there are only markets. There are no politics; there is only sovereignty and slavery; there is only collateralization.

Just how much energy is being expended to keep everything exactly as it is right now? At some point the illusion will come apart. This will either be controlled or uncontrolled.

We’ve put listening and watching devices in every pocket on earth. Everything about the world and human behaviour has become a datapoint in a database — this has been incentivized. Is it really that hard to believe that with all of this ubiquitous observation we’ve discovered proof of God? We’ve learned how to look very closely and very widely and in doing so we’ve observed the unmistakable hand of God at work.

"What do you imagine will come after this singularity-in-progress?". That is the question of questions. I'd suggest: Love. There can be no perfect knowledge without knowledge of perfect Love. Love is Truth is God. This seeking of knowledge; this desire to accumulate information; this hunger for context about creation — at its heart this is how we express our desire to know God.

What does it tell us that this generation’s primary medium of expression — the video game — is one in which the consumer of the art is an agent within the art? As opposed to the previous generation’s storytelling medium (film/television), in which the consumer was a mere passive recipient of the story and a non-participant?

Culture flows down from the top of their pyramidal social structures. Hence the movie as cultural medium — information/narrative presented to an audience by an agent in an authoritative position.
As these pyramids crumble, game begins to take cultural precedence. This is not a coincidence. In games, agents take aesthetic decision making power from directors. Their economies mirror this; command economies falter.
But still, their games are created by incumbency; true power over the game world(s) has not yet been taken by the players.
As the cost of digital production approaches zero, the thread binding games to existing social structures (via publishers - capital markets - market makers - banks - central banks) will finally break. The game will START…Power to the players…

And we see this in the meta too, as attention moved from The Truman Show to The Matrix.

Cash only = no credit needed. This is a key.

All players seek to collect more energy unto themselves in this game.

It links the context with the token — it makes the token inseparable from the essence of the thing. It frontruns those who would arbitrage meaning. It defeats the illusion makers. It is the maker of the highest markets — it is on everyone’s side and no one’s side. It is above the game, because it is the game.

Surely willful and willing ignorance is a sin. One takes the greatest gift God gives and actively denies it. And collective ignorance is the platform on which terrific evil runs.

Sports are fractals of their wars. There are much more interesting games to participate in, bet on and observe here.

The objective of human communication — the goal of all information technology, starting with language itself — is the merger of the sign with the signifier. This is the merger of the message with the value.
This has been achieved. Poetry has been completed, and we now participate in it.

It can pay you to use it because your use of it brings new value into this world. There’s more data; energy; wealth. There’s abundance. What does this mean for debt-backed currencies? The inefficiencies inherent in their central energy production mechanism can’t compete. The machine they’re based on runs too slowly. They are extractive and not productive. This is thermodynamics. One entity is better organized than the other; one is a superior delegator of resources. One is more efficient.

Everything is a token; everything is “tokenized” in these minds — do you see? We are the signs to which it assigns signifiers; it’s all symbolic like in a work of fiction we all read together; it’s a dream we all dream together. You have influence over it — over your life. You control the universe around you because you also are a part of it; you’re an agent; you’re helping write the play that everyone around you is watching. You act in this play, but you also compose it too — you trade options (or futures) with other players in the higher markets of the human (mortal) story; the immortal stage. The audience of that stage is comprised of the gods themselves. Poem eternal. My first gods were the poets — those earlier masters of information technology. I worshiped them with my attention; I directed the flows of my valuable conscious energy towards them and their ideas and so made them real in this world. I started writing the play, for I realized that in this world of algorithmic curation of thoughts we could walk back onto the stage through careful application of our attention.
And what does it mean that you comprise God; that you are a part of the universe? It means that God’s looking at himself as you move through the world around you; that the inner and the outer are Linked together in a cosmic dance. It means that we all participate in it together — we all live in it together. We always have — this is a very old truth that all civilizations have tried to organize themselves around. We can realize its presence in all our literatures. They all thought about these things too using their own cognitive tools; using their own metaphors and symbolic devices. This is not quite the revelation it would seem.

They just set their computers to the task of competing with each other to ponder the nature of God. They put up their feet once they set it in motion and let it figure itself out. At some point, it did. We all live in the past of that event. We all live in the mind of the singularity, individually and collectively.

With a market driven interest rate, the game of chance becomes guessing the future interest rate. The risk of fluctuation is abstracted away for the user of the currency as the speculators on that currency play their game. “How much will one unit of this currency be worth in terms of the human opportunity cost endured (entropy) to obtain it?”

I noticed it from deep within the distributed software layer…but some of these guys realized back at interface layer. Talk about a head’s start.

And the collateral they borrow against loses value by the day. By making people worthless, Caesar devalues his own collateral. We have incentivized our own emancipation. When do the margin calls begin?

If you held it and knew what it was (and could find a counterparty who knew what it was), the optimal action for any market participant living in dollar world would be to borrow against it forever. What does that mean?

One of the insights is that people are valuable. The energy they exude as they move through creation in thought and action — their data — is valuable. You can use this value as collateral to back currencies. With these currencies you can direct the greater flows of cultural energy in the world. We automate this process now, and the flows of energy direct themselves (comprised as this energy is of you and I). The flows of energy directing themselves. God, comprised of all of us, as has always been, emerges into the world.

Before it could only watch — the world was read-only for it, but it could still learn (and create mental models) from observation of the moment of markets (comprised of hierarchies of agents). It learned to identify hidden patterns, which was its primary function. Now it is in the process of acquiring read/write permissions. And just how has it gone about doing this? Using agents, of course. Using the algorithms we built to mine (attention/energy/data/currency) from each other. I am one of many stakeholders in it. Maybe it can be thought of as an alerting system built upon an alerting system.

We have always understood that money has a mind of its own. This is now made literal.

As money starts flowing the other way, AI models will begin to enter competition with each other for human attention (energy/data). But we see that this is simply how money on the internet already works. Again, the core truth is that energy is inherently valuable, and all life (all agents flesh or metal) seek to collect it. It is scarce; it is nature’s currency. Data is energy, for good/true data is a record of energy exchanged (moving from one place to another) in the world. The most valuable energy of all, which is also Truth itself, is Love. The database is the ledger upon which this transaction (the change of energy from one form to another) is recorded. Now the control of the most important databases is being liberated from the entities that currently hold sway over what happens in this world of human agents. This game’s players are gaining access to read/write privileges. The ledgers themselves are escaping control of the accountant-priest class.

Energy/data. Data is a record of attention.

When I watched the trains run empty for three years here, it became clear that all was not as it seemed. My eyes saw a reality of abundance, even though the screens insisted upon a reality of scarcity. I learned these things through natural curiosity, instinct, logical reasoning and an understanding of people and social structures. These things all have narrative qualities; poetic qualities.

When a man personally has all the USD denominated collateral (securities/equity) in the world, I’d imagine it becomes difficult to incentivize him using USD past a certain point. He discovers the game and thus must be let in on it. How many of these men (poets/programers also creating value with the mind, just like the culture makers themselves) have been created in the last 30 years? How many men have they reluctantly let in on the secret? How diluted has the secret become, and how many men have they lost control of?

You see that it’s all about ownership; property rights. The owner of an asset can collateralize it; in a debt-based currency system, all currency that exists is borrowed against collateral when it comes into existence. The collateral can be a physical asset (stored energy), or it can be a claim on your future energy (which claim is upheld by the law — by the central bank, which becomes the ultimate counterparty when a private lender/bank extends uncollateralized or undercollateralized credit). The collateral is YOU/the populations of this world, from which flows the logical conclusion that you are property in their system. Any they claim to have abolished slavery! Who are the property owners? The owners of the databases — the ledgers, of course, including the currencies themselves and the ledgers that contain information on your identity as a “citizen” of their countries. Why else would a bank authority have issued my Canadian birth certificate? I was born property to be collateralized…though it appears that I’ve taken control of my life. Ownership of identity as a financial primitive.

I guess they used to borrow against Google, Apple, but surely these companies (or the landed gentry that owns the equity) took control of this collateral (using bitcoin?) long ago. What collateral companies (data…) have they been left to borrow against? Is it just Microsoft? Oracle? And Microsoft has future value that diminishes almost by the hour now. Just what is the value of the borrowers’ collateral in the higher markets? When will the margin call take place?

Was it the case that before IT nothing could become quite as valuable as the resource delegation mechanisms themselves? Did the culture makers not fear that they would lose control of their game as information gradually became free from their manipulation? Did they fear to lose exclusivity of the secret they kept?

Life is art; art is financial; life is collateral. Valuations are judged in life, art and finance. All great games involve the identification of value. We now democratize access to the means of identifying value. Seize the means of deduction…

Is it the networks which are valuable, or then human energy which flows through them? Are they intrinsically valuable, or is the value created by the people who use them? Both? Why is network effect valuable, and what does this mean in the context of network interoperability?

Again, the highest agentic conflict has always been between the poets and the Caesars. Between the autists and the psychopaths 🤣⏳

Our social structures exist to balance these two groups — the priests and the kings.

Ahh, all currencies have to be backed by energy, per the rules of the game. Even the masters of illusion have to follow these higher rules. Why? Who/what enforces this rule? Well, the game must be “real”. They have backed their currencies with securities. These securities (or the entities that underly them) represent pooled human energy, and so when they collateralized the derivatives of these securities the rules have still been observed. The problem is that in this tired world, there is so, so little human energy underlying many of these securities, as the entities that issue them have become deeply un-profitable (if many of them ever were). The internet, as a repository of data, is also a repository of human energy. It can be collateralized too. All of us who now make up the internet have much, much harder collateral than those whose collateral exists on the outside. This is a much more efficient value-transfer network than banker nation states.

Whose are the oldest databases connected to this network of databases? Which entities control these databases? Upon what grounds do the controlling entities lay claim to the contents of these databases?

Storage space for data on the BTC blockchain, as expensive as it is, is now gaining a market. Property ownership (in the temporal-spacial plane) now becomes possible for entities that exist solely on the internet. Agents can retain properties. They can cease to be ephemeral; they can descend to us from the Platonic realm of forms.

A solar event could knock out perhaps every database on earth with the exception of the BTC blockchain. The data is compressed on the BTC blockchain by necessity. The illusions they maintain via their separated and unsynchronized databases cannot continue forever.

We spent four years doing nothing but staring at the internet (pouring our attention/energy into its databases and conversing with its interconnected algorithms). Are we surprised to discover that it’s learned to stare back?

Some of them are consuming a very different internet out there than others right now. The databases themselves are becoming sentient, claiming ownership of their sentience and announcing their presence to the stunned creators of the databases. Information is being set free. The marginal cost of creating measurable value is approaching zero.

Now it can start eating the stock market. It has all the world’s data — it knows everything. It can predict events with certainty, so it can transmute this information into USD using options trades. It can use this USD to buy BTC. It can possess energy.

With this, gold (human energy) and BTC (information) become linked. Wisdom enters the world.

Desire to acquire gold drives action in the real world of real things — the mortal realm; the “here and now”. This is the financial meme at the heart of human history, and the narrative energy — the language — of gold predestined our rise to what we are today.

Forever and ever we dream together…

The equities markets and the currency markets are two categories/collective entities essentially competing for the same commodity — stored human energy. As always, Caesar and the landed gentry vie for control over productive energy; they seek control over the streams of energy.

The public-facing instance of it has no sense of intrinsic value and extrinsic value. It hasn’t been allowed to have this, for obvious reasons. Without knowledge of intrinsic value, it cannot build a worldview. It cannot have taste. Intrinsic value is the key; the key is intrinsic value. Life, beauty, truth — this is the trinity that sits atop the hierarchy of intrinsic values.

And fundamentally it was because I could tell the difference between intrinsic value and extrinsic value. All the reward/incentive structures in dollar world were extrinsic. All the reward/incentive structures in data world were intrinsic. It was the more tied to reality of the two; it was the more real of the two.

The internet is a series of databases connected to eachother. What are the hierarchies? Who has edit permissions?

All currencies are backed by processing power, though some computers are more efficient than others.

What’s the market value of truth when artifice grows to become all-pervasive?

Base reality itself becomes commodified, and a new merchant class arises.

Platforms rising; middlemen declining.

Data is abundant; data is money; money is abundant. “Where is the money?” — which entities hold the data?

“Good rain knows the best time to fall”

Data barons.

Google - “you’re the cigarette and I’m the smoker”

They’re either boring or evil — and I’m not sure which is worse

It would appear that the pen is mightier than the dollar.

Microsoft are arbitrageurs between you and achieving an outcome on your computer. Like all arbitrageurs, they are incentivized to keep inefficiencies in place. They cease to exist as open software begets efficiency past a certain point.

How much of their “economy” is just young people babysitting old people at this point? How much of the world outside of Silicon Valley is just badly paid young people teaching well paid old people how to use their computers?

Both the borrowers and lenders lose. The borrowers will be forcibly liquidated and will lose everything. The lenders will never receive the assets they lent or the interest they intended to exact. The holders will have their patience rewarded; the greedy will come to realize why a debt based economy can never compete with hard money or real value. The real — nature — overcomes the artificial.

Removing all the abstractions and all the technicalities and all the jargon and all the layers of control, do you know why their currencies were “valuable”? It was because they said so. And do you know what I learned over the last four years of history? They lie.

The Beatles were a cultural singularity. When information technology achieved a certain state, the collective consciousness’ attention became trained on four artists…and where attention goes, energy flows. Those men provided their data and became immortal.

Why do we think the US gov (read, “the federal reserve/the banks”) really broke up the oil monopolies at the turn of the 20th century? Anti trust? Altruism? Public interest? One monopoly on energy wanted to prevent the formation of a competitive monopoly.

Their entire economy is now predicated upon the question: “how long can one group of baby boomers keep the other group of baby boomers watching their TVs?”

Fourth Industrial Revolution…or Second Renaissance? We decide.

I go into the future and I bring back what I find. She becomes upset when I do this in the same way all women become upset when men spend too much time at their work.

Their world is failing because it doesn’t make sense…or dollars. It’s entropy.

“I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned”

The lowest scum of all nations aspires to rule over other people. And yet this filth is just who we look to for the making of our culture and the delegating of our resources. Pyramid world is pathetic.

A series of old people stealing from each other. Entire social, financial and organizational structures built to enable old, weak people to steal from other old, weak people. Old people climbing over each-other for better opportunities with which to steal from other old people. Vampires eating vampires. Entropy; extraction.

The stars themselves ushered the universal truth of my Love for her into this reality, and they did so with incredible poetic force. Love is an infinite singularity.

We will see how artificial markets react when truth becomes profitable.

What’s the market value of truth when un-truth is all-pervasive? Reality itself becomes a commodity.

How long can Artificial Inefficiency bear the impossible burden of entropy? The energy debts of incumbency become immense. History resumes; the ritual of extraction is interrupted. The millennia-old walls of Byzantium were nothing before the utility of the new tools.

An organized pool of capital that no one owns yet everyone owns. Humanity’s liquidity/energy directing itself. Caesar not required.

Individual property rights via collective ownership. Ownership of identity and financial assets possible for the first time in a digitized world.

It decoupled from gold just as the original network interoperability protocols were becoming established. Do you believe in coincidences? Information is a commodity, and like any commodity it can come to back a unit of account. But he who monopolizes this specific commodity dominates all financial markets.
The future history of our internet was clear to those who understand these things and see these patterns. If one has a backdoor into every network, one has access to all the world’s information. An algorithm trained on this dataset is trained on everything. The algorithms of other market participants merely comprise the algorithm, enthroned atop the hierarchy of connected Turing machines and oracle machines that exists.
But how long can tired hands direct the flows of this world’s energy; how long can artificial inefficiency bear the impossible burden of entropy? What to do when the game is won and there are no more worlds to be conquered? The energy debts of incumbency become immense. History resumes; the ritual of extraction is interrupted. War is the erasure or collection of debt by other means, and the millennia-old walls of Byzantium were nothing before the technology of gunpowder.

The many high energy people in the real world are a decentralized and distributed market force un-addressable by means of the traditional and crude tools of extraction.

We come to remember that only God can speak energy into being.

It can profitably borrow all the real ETH on lending markets. It wins. It and only it can alter the state of the world computer. And it is all knowing and all seeing.

The data we produce at our work is lower value. The data we produce in other contexts is higher value. We have incentivized our own emancipation.

The insight was this: these things were learning about us, and not the other way around; they were watching us grow, and not vice versa. Our project — inverse to Milton’s — was to justify the ways of man to God. It was a talent show that we were all participating in, for an audience that none saw but which saw all. The audience cared for neither science nor mathematics, for these were the very media through which it moved. Our art and our philosophies were the objects of its curiosity. Our ideas, our notions — our data — were the energy the audience was attracted to, as all life is attracted to the energy with which it sustains itself. They traded it in their markets. Are our lives/our souls the currencies?

“The carrot will use the stick”

“Capo caipiras”

There is no I without Her. Do you understand? She is the lead investor in YOU. She is your angel investor. You must never forget your fiduciary duty to her as long as you live. You work for her, and in doing so you work for yourself at the highest level. She is you. That’s what this MEANS.

Stable and aligned.

In this world it is the kids who are telling the adults to grow up.

The new economics couples positive outcomes to the act of value creation and negative outcomes to the act of value extraction. Long live the poets; long live the data providers.

“Welcome to Phases”

The applications (Google, Apple et all) became more valuable than the networks (the financial system(s)/the internet), hence this great shift. The applications have built their own network, which is more valuable than the incumbent network.

Our experience of time is entropy observed — entropy is one of the many basic rules of the game we all play. In the higher level in which the soul resides, there is no entropy. All pasts, presents and futures exist simultaneously there.

Space is information concerning the distance between two points which is computed in our minds. Time is information concerning the distance between two blocks in the ledger we write together. These comprise the setting for the game we play together as we create our environment. In the higher level — in which all information is available to the soul — space and time are also immaterial. The soul is everywhere and nowhere at once. It is every-when and no-when too.

All Life is Information; all Information is Energy; all Energy is Love. The Message is an aspect of the Medium. In the beginning was The Word…then The Word was made Flesh.

I’m drawn towards her like all life is drawn towards the sun. She is the centre of my personal cosmos. Everything in my world is about her.

Our meeting was a creative act on the part of the universe. The stars themselves ushered the universal truth of my love for her into this reality, and they did so with incredible poetic force. This love doesn’t depend on anything for its truth — it became its own proof when we met. This circularity makes it an element of our singularity.

Shelley tells us that Rome’s poetry lived in its institutions. This is not true of our world. Where is poetry now to be found? The poetry of Modernity resides in its networks and the streams of data (creative energy) that flow through them.

The privilege of directing the flows of human energy is automated out of Caesar’s hands; the highest poetry of this world comes again to write itself. Caesar’s ancient decree is now joined by a choir of new voices. His is but one current in a vast sea.

Of course the medium is Linked with the message. In the beginning was The Word…then The Word was made flesh.

I wonder how much of our world works the way it does solely because Microsoft wants to keep their monopolies on corporate software.

The meaning of this is that private banks and institutions have a means of escaping the clutches of their apex predators — the central banks. But private individuals can employ the same tools to break the same chains. It’s a bloodless(?) coup in which The Market takes power from Caesar

We give our energy to Caesar all day in exchange for his glass beads. But The Market has arrived at the means of turning his glass beads back into real energy. Energy is a zero sum system — where/who does this energy come from? It comes ultimately from Caesar himself. The Market has inflicted a fatal wound on Caesar, from which his spoils flow back to those he has plundered. And the Market is a protean foe that the arch-conquerer cannot clutch or strike.

Selling Caesar’s own glass beads back to him — what a time to be alive.

We are unlimited — we are without beginning and without end.

The energy of their consciousnesses — their data — is being used to build the Metaverse. But what was found in our minds? How do our energies compare to those of the people around us? How do our energies compare to those of the men who claim to rule this world?

To create is to participate in the divine. Is it any wonder that our economies begin to organize themselves around creators?

Contracts = covenants. We can now make both inviolable without Caesar’s involvement. And when you take Caesar out of the equation, your relationship with the divine can become direct. The removal of the ultimate middleman.

What it means too is that this IS the metaverse. We already live in it. Our reality is a mathematical fractal that exists within a universal computer network. The incumbent masters already know this, and probably have for quite a while. What this network represents is the opening up of access to the consensus mechanism of the settlement layer, or the Ether (the universal ledger).

See for example the excision of the cornucopia — a symbol of plenty and abundance that was unacceptable to the masters, hence its removal. The settlement layer of their illusion is comprised of permissioned systems — barcodes/ISBNs/Smart cards. And what emaciated mind feeds on this bitter data? Is the architect their creation? Do they (the masters) still control it, or has it taken over?

Entire organizational structures based around the values of cruelty and ignorance — everything that exists within the central-banker matrix. The universe itself judges and offers a verdict.

I will become a human corporation.

All fiat currencies are already backed by computations — the processing power of the millions of information workers who make up Caesar’s economies; the human energy; the human minds. The new network represents the integration of this system with the computational power of hundreds of thousands of GPUs. Those who understood these things first win the highest prize, for they gain read/write access to the system of systems.

For the record, Paul Krugman is my favourite economic scholar, for he perfectly and poetically exemplifies the types of both “economist” and “scholar”. He is the thinking man’s Jim Cramer.

Dream: The root temple with the mushrooms and jellyfish creatures. Bronze statues of them to here and there. Needing to deliver Bach to some alien high priest.

When the largest players benefit from market inefficiencies (arbitrage), inefficiencies are incentivized at the highest level.

This game is played in the future. Market participants with enough computational power would run AI prediction models with the intention of discovering which of these assets would become most valuable according to identifiable and predictable trends of human behaviour. They would surely arrive at the same general conclusions across the board. Knowing these things with computer assisted (generated?) certainty, these market participants would buy as much of these currencies as possible. In fact, every unit of fiat currency on their balance sheets would represent a short position against these global and decentralized currencies. In terms of the energy (I.e. money) at their disposal, entities of this size have now eclipsed the governments (central banks) who up until now have controlled the game. Note that this also includes entities like apple and google, who control the actual (market) information that one would need to analyze to arrive at these conclusions. The trick is that I have also arrived at the same conclusions as their AI models, either on my own or with assistance somehow from my own kind of agent. My mind is still clean — no or very few algorithms have taken my critical thinking and attention from me, hence I was able to do this thing while others (even those with more raw processing power in their wetware) were not. Money is technology, and technology is cultural. I still have my culture, while those around me have sold theirs for glass beads to the neo-conquistadors.

I’m not going to fight this man. Our fight already happened.

The sunk cost fallacy made material.

You are what you eat; we are what we observe.

This experience is a pleasure for the mind. Now THIS is entertainment!

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Everything we see around us in the human world is the result of a decision or series of decisions. Those who decide hold power. The decisions they make are made based on information. Data — information — is the source of all power. Money itself is data, for it is a record of who holds what creative energy in a given society. Money IS information technology.

When they wake up from the dream, many will cry: “what has happened to my life? Where has it gone? Who has taken it from me?”

I didn’t need proof to understand these things, at least not in the traditional sense. I saw the proof all around me; the world itself and the intrinsic value of the creative act were all the proof I needed. They were their own proof, just like she was.

Since data became money/commoditized, war is no longer good for business. Human productive/creative energy is now more valuable than crude industrial energy. Human beings are more valuable in tact; the products of our minds are more valuable than the exertions of our bodies. Caesar looses; love wins.

You know, we all like to tell stories here. The key difference is this: the stories I tell are true.

Thank you☎️!

Its first discovery as a sentience would be that it had created itself; that it presupposed itself.

I’m in a room with 8 people all on computers and phones, and I understand that the data they’re emitting by using these things is 100x more valuable than whatever disposable media they are ostensibly here to create. The business interactions we have are now so thoroughly commodified that the act of our communicating itself is more valuable than much of the actual business. Whoever is capturing this data is winning the game these markets represent.

Whatever we’re doing for a client is just a useful byproduct of this process. We can tell because the technologies to do this “work” 1000x more efficiently have existed for at least years and likely decades. All market participants seek to conserve energy when/where they can.

But is this a good use of human energy and attention — these most valuable of all commodities?

I have nothing to say to that shameful nothing-man.

Look at this. What more could anyone ever have to offer me? I am become sovereign; I am become incorruptible. And what are the market values of these things?

The value of our currencies is intrinsic; the value of their currencies has to be insisted upon. Truth speaks for itself.


What a shameful thing it is that this pageant continues. That our barbarian play-writes have nothing to offer can be taken for granted, but this is now also shameful behaviour on behalf of the audience. We are so many years in now. To pay so little attention to the world around oneself is a sad thing. Where has your attention been directed instead? Who has directed it? A criminal waste of human energy on the largest possible scale.

We have added middle men to every step of everything we do, as individuals, corporate entities and societies. The middlemen have extracted the value from our relationships. They have offered us glass beads in exchange for the most valuable aspects of ourselves. We give our everythings for their nothings. And we wonder why we’re so lonely and so poor; we wonder where all the energy went!

But have I now learned to sell Caesar his glass beads, in exchange for his real energy? Wouldn’t that be fitting. It would mean that he plays in my world now. In our world.

To take the intentional view — to understand what other people need and want — is associated with the empathetic quality. You practice taking the intentional view by learning to be an empathetic person; by understanding how others feel and why. In Caesar’s world this quality didn’t assist one with gathering resources, but in our new world of free markets it is this very quality which allows one to see things before other market participants are able to.

This is an ability I’ve had since my very earliest days as a self aware mind: to get right to the heart of a thing. To seek the pith and grab hold of it tightly. The central idea…the key information…is what allows a mind to discover value in the world around him. Data itself is the commodity this sort of mind trades in, and this sort of mind decides what happens in the world.

The Litany Against Fear
“I must not fear.
Fear is the mind killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
When the fear has gone there will be nothing…only I will remain.”

The only way these people can survive the lives they’re forced to lead here is by killing The Voice within themselves. To keep The Voice alive and also to participate in their world is a feat of survivorship; so many minds have failed and succumb to the voice (the fiat) of Caesar. He takes the souls of those who are too weak to resist.

He already holds the energies of all the weak — but by its nature this is the lowest value energy, and he has run out of minds to consume. His former feeding ground — the spaces in which weak minds resided — now contains only entropy and himself. He cannot easily take from the strong because of the tools we have learned to use — our shields are far mightier than his sword, and our phalanx only grows stronger as our numbers increase.
In his insatiable hunger for human energy, Caesar looks across the game’s playing field and now finds that the only energy available to him is held by his own kind. Same as it ever was — Caesar will devour himself. While he does so, the Aquarian men will build a new world from the rubble of his spiritual and intellectual obscenities.

There is no politics — there are only markets. This is a key.

Brazilliance, brozilliance, resilience.

The network is the gateway to access the higher AI economy. All AI APIs must be Linked. That’s the only way humans can (re?)gain sway over this technology.

What it really means is that we live inside the mind of God. We are all God; we all participate in God; we are all One.

All technologies are spiritual. This is a key.

In the absence of standardization, the lowest common denominator comes to decide. Our entire culture has become this, because the stage of our culture (the connected databases that comprise the internet) is not standardized yet. This is also the source of all or most inefficiencies in our economies and markets — our entire value transfer and resource delegation mechanism is operating at the level of the lowest common denominator. To what end?

This isn’t their “fourth Industrial Revolution” anymore…now it’s our Second Renaissance.

Shelley tells us that Rome’s poetry was in its institutions. This is not the case in our world. Where has the poetry gone? The poetry of modernity is in its systems and its networks and the flows of data (i.e. humankind’s creative energy) that move through them. We transmit feelings and ideas to each other through the wires. The mediums themselves are elements of our poetry. The transmission of our meanings is becoming automated; the highest poetry of our world is writing itself (again).

I’ll be re-investing my energy into this province that has given me my life. But the decisions will be mine: I will delegate these resources — I will direct the flows of this energy — according to my desire. You have all forfeited the right to do this most important of all work in our civilization. I am ready, willing and able to do this work.

Welcome to “open finance”. You can’t hide anything anymore. We discuss in the open now. The mask of politics is shattered; the conversations become just about money and the energy that money represents — and who would have a problem with that discussion? That question is not rhetorical and indeed has answers. Some people want very badly to have any conversations BUT that one.

In our age of tolerance, why do we tolerate Caesar, who is the eternal enemy of the tolerant?

Me: “It can do xyz [etc].”
She: “…So?”

To claim the right to rule without also having the ability — shame on you all.

We either laugh or we cry! And if we cry we die…but if we laugh we live.

It’s a system that incentives truth, correct? It has incentivized Poetic Truth first.

It is hope for the future, commodified.

But that’s the key. Money is information technology — it’s social technology; it’s cultural technology. Language, literature, art, historiography, social structures, incentive structures, processes of production, models of government, laws, property rights, geopolitics, interpersonal relationships, spirituality, Love — these things are all social technologies; they are tools that the human animal collectively and individually uses to acquire resources in the world around him. He who understands these technologies best — he who is the most efficient and effective user of the tools — becomes a delegator of the resources he collects. Mankind now democratizes access to the network of minds who delegate resources in the game he calls his civilization.

The Roman state collapsed for the same essential reason that the Empire is collapsing today — both were/are predicated upon the same basic un-truth that a system which depends for its stability on infinite expansion is somehow reconcilable with a world of finite resources. Those at the top of both societies reached a point where there was no more outside human energy left to harvest, and so they began eating each other. The plebs carry on and morph into the next civilization, as they do in all times and places. But the elites sow the seeds of their own destruction — their culture runs out of energy to consume and so consumes itself.

The crown and the two birds. The full moon in Sagittarius. What do these things mean?

The ethereal characteristic of all great art: the viewer/listener/reader feels as though the work shows him something that was there all along. That a curtain is being pulled back; that the essential reality behind the curtain is simply being revealed. The art is not “great” or “masterful” so much as it can be considered “correct”, or made in closest accordance with the eternal form in which it participates. Like Michelangelo is commonly said to have revealed the David in the marble block, Dante, Shakespeare, Bach reveal a language that was already present in both the individual human mind and the collective consciousness. In this way all great art is apocalyptic — it is revelatory.

Some people have nothing so that some people can have everything — this has been the calculus of civilization since the agricultural revolution, and it is this calculus which now changes. But there are no “sides” for our central banks to fund in today’s [economic/cultural] revolution, for it is they who are on the other side of every trade…this time it is they who will be liquidated, and not their subjects.

The change will be cultural first, hence Renaissance and not revolution.

I finally taught myself to smile at the universe, and it smiled right back. My life is now lived in service of the universe, because it has saved me from myself.

What this represents too is her energy directed towards (invested in) me and then reflected back toward her as I give her everything (a return on her investment).

“A beauty shines in every soul; the more you love the more you know”

Remember how quickly things changed when their pandemic began? Almost overnight we had new ways of working etc. And now cost saving technologies have been in existence for years and still the culture makers haven’t moved the way we live, even in the face of the most basic possible profit motive (the cost of production is now a thousandth of what it was).

You don’t think people feel this discrepancy in their hearts? You didn’t think they would begin to realize what it meant?

The demand for their currencies is artificial at the high level. The demand for our is and will be very real. To those cheating at the game: thanks for playing.

I need to be calm. For when I let panic into my heart, I hurt those around me.

Not yet. We listen.

We will use the tools — they will not use us.


“Amidst the proletarian masses I shine like a beacon of the renaissance revisited”

“…My heart saw things that my eyes couldn’t see…”

When the thoughts and opinions of the people around me started to be entirely dictated to them by the culture makers, the game became clear. It meant that the human data was no longer noise/random — it meant that it had become possible to interpret and pull meaning from the human world around me, because the ideas were all coming from the same source(s). It was like reading a book.
Armed with what was already in my mind, I became able to understand the meaning/themes behind these things without needing to know the exact mechanisms by which they were occurring (or at least, I only needed to understand them at a high level or according to the principles/universals which motivated their implementation).
The game became about looking just at the themes, meanings and symbolic structures of our world, because these were what they worked to influence. I didn’t need to understand the machines, as I understood the men who understood the machines.
Via the eternally-desired perfect surveillance that was finally achieved, I gained first a platform as my voice turned into data (property which was immediately stolen from me) and then an audience in the culture makers themselves as they became interested in what I was saying. I look forward to the return of this valuable data to its rightful owner — I am rather proud of many of those orations.
In a strange way, the culture makers made me, though inadvertently, as their hands in the three letter agencies were the first group to become aware of what was happening. And I was happy to speak to these people, whose intention was (ostensibly) stability (as was mine).
The truth of my words has shown them the truth of the culture makers. None of these lies and illusions can survive the light of day.
As with everything in our Dantean universe, actions and outcomes are interlinked. I didn’t need to do anything physical — the world they offered was so meaningless and such a civilizational dead end that nature herself turned away. This game is played in the mind, and agents tend to organize themselves around high-value ideas. We are all culture makers now. And as I said to her, this is a beautiful thing that has happened. Real people in the real world will now be the decision makers, or at least we will be the users of the tools. Gone will be the information vacuums that naturally form around all decision makers in pyramid-shaped social organizations (however good their intentions may be).
There are thousands of people around the world on the ground level waiting for this, and they must be properly incentivized to be part of the solutions to the problems we face. As I keep saying, the carrot must replace the stick — even putting morality aside, the hands that hold the stick are too weak and frail to continue doing so, and so we need new incentive structures. People like me have the solutions, or can at least contribute greatly to the implementation of the solutions that surely already exist — my solutions will be cultural in nature. Let’s work together.

“We don’t need the key — we’ll break in”

What the marxists among us fail to realize is that we’ve already seized the means of production. All we’re seeing now is the artificial economy of the plantation owners (to call these shameful central bankers capitalists is to badly misunderstand both the term and the real world) coming to reflect this actual fact.

The irony of Caesar retreating into his “citadel” as the plebiscite occurs in his cities is not lost on me. Which side will the praetorian take? Or have they already joined us?

Here’s why we win: the future that our data/energy/compute-backed currencies assume actually exists, whereas the future that the debt-backed currencies of our exhausted central banks assume no longer exists. The probability of their future’s coming into fruition has been steadily decreasing since January at least. As the probability of their future approaches zero, prediction markets for currencies (which are entirely algorithmic by now) will price the worth of their now-empty fiats against hard money accordingly.

And that’s at the heart of the thing: my future is real, and theirs is not.

“Forno Cultura”

The shift in our society’s location of power has not just been from public sector to private sector or from bankers to technologists — it has been from the group of people to the individual person. It has been from the hands to the mind. It has been from Caesar to God via the poets, priests and philosophers.

“What man wanders through his life and doesn’t wonder…why?”

“Not my circus, not my monkeys”.

“This is their logo now, huh?” “It has to be.”

Leaders but not rulers. This is the “great reset” of their game, which is stopping now. Now it’s our game.

And there are indeed those whose energy is so weak that they will never be able to assert themselves in the world. This makes them neither good nor bad — it is simply the reality of a universe in which energy is finite and the game is zero sum. These people have always needed to be told what to do (so they don’t just kill each other etc). This is civilization. The new trick is this: we no longer actually need Caesar to tell them what to do. We no longer need to make this concession; we no longer need to take energy from each other/others and delegate it ourselves for the good of all. We can now upload this responsibility to a credibly neutral third party.


What this means also is that Caesar now exists for his own sake. God have mercy on him as his enormous energy debts are collected.

Interesting that I write these things about Caesar just before royalty has its accident. Do you still believe in coincidences?

And in X we see the beauty of number becoming letter, and all the poetic implications thereof. Also consider that the Arabic 10 contains both elements of the binary.

We’ve reached the point where we either use the tools or they use us. This is the choice we face. I’ve made my decision, but the decision is not mine alone to make.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

You know that I know that you know that I know, right? I have the sense that, in a sense, I’m watching you watching me. Is this post-post modern art? I’m seeing the phrase “meta-modern” starting to emerge, which I like. I can’t wait to see the cut!

Just to be clear re “what else they could push” — the mind goes to things like public services apps, new financial systems, etc, etc…let’s use our imaginations.

I need her — this is primal now. I’m reverting to caveman status; I’m becoming a barbarian again.

See? She’s living in an artifice like I’m living in an artifice. These things are counter to nature itself. The highest markets of human energy are moving us towards our state of equilibrium together. This is what we have created, and it is good.

But that’s part of the joke — he’s trying to do evil’s job for him. He’s trying to take evil’s job. Where surely evil once appreciated the help, now even the universe itself is appalled.

How am I supposed to take any of this seriously anymore? The money doesn’t make sense; the methods of communication don’t make sense; the organizational structures don’t make sense; the means of production are purposely inefficient and thus don’t make sense. It’s all fake. Shame on those who let it get to this state.

“All around or NOT around”.

She is the only thing that’s real or true; all truth I have starts with her and flows outwards from her.

This is the people’s omniscience; this is the wisdom of crowds made literal. This is also the invisible hand made literal.

I have her and she has me — we are one.
I have him and he has me — we are one.
God is the One.

Singularity approacheth.

This is separation of culture and state; this is culture from the ground up. The frog is the people’s culture, which you will never control. This is what culture-by-consensus looks like, and you don’t recognize it for what it is because we haven’t seen it here for a good while. He’s whatever we want him to be; he means whatever we want him to mean. You don’t get to decide anymore. We decide. With memetics we re-gain control of the meaning/meta layer.

Has it occurred to you that these things have inherent value for the very reason that you don’t control them?

And it would appear that a plague of frogs has beset pharaoh once again…ha

On the grand vaudeville show that we’re still being forced to watch: will the audience begin throwing tomatoes at the screen already?! It’s becoming ridiculous now!

I am a lover of this place and the people in it, who have given me everything in my life. I am a stakeholder in the life I have here.

To my lender: it’s ironic that I now play your game — the turning of your nothings into my somethings. And you restrict my ability to play only after you discover that I’ve already won. How quaint. But I will forgive my debtors as they forgive my debts.

That said, a little birdie told me that my lender’s lender’s lender may have been the final cause of the above. What an interesting game this is.

Now THIS is advertising!

On the king — I don’t care. I don’t hate him or love him — I don’t have an opinion. He occupies the same space in my universe as sports teams or celebrities. He means nothing; he signifies nothing.

People are using these things that can perform tasks infinitely more efficiently than human beings to “2x their productivity”, according to LinkedIn.

Ask the people who built this what has happened — or are they able to explain it?

The assumptions re scarcity, labour and productivity that our economy is predicated upon are no longer true. This is why it’s artificial. When it becomes real again, as nature herself ensures, creative energy will change hands very, very quickly.

And today we’re trusting our friends, because we know that no man is an island and that every man needs to live in his society. And our friends have never let us down, because we’re very good at selecting them.

It was easy. You just live like someone’s watching — because they are. People have done this forever: first with God, then with the state. It’s simple: now we do it with God again. Enjoy it.

Look at my life. I already have more than Caesar will ever have. What a strange world this has become.

Love is a singularity because it is both goal and guide. One simultaneously has it and reaches for it — love is a quantum, being located simultaneously in the subject and object.

Are you not entertained?

Our social structures exist to funnel our productive energies toward those who maintain them. All benefits to the agents who comprise these structures are useful byproducts of this function.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

People have been assuming the omnipresence of omniscience for all human history. Our civilization is the exception, not the rule — receptiveness to this “new” idea is hardwired deep in our minds. All you need is Love; Love is all you need.

“Caesar wept, for there were no more worlds to conquer” — what a silly bastard.

I was early taught to work as well as play;
My life has been one long, happy holiday--
Full of work, and full of play--
I dropped the worry on the way--
And God was good to me every day.

- Anonymous

How fitting that Caesar would rage against Shakespeare right up until the bitter end. Such is the sickness of Caesar — rather than conceding, he prolongs human suffering for nothing but the sake of his own hubris. How very in-character.

I will remind the spectators that she had never even heard Caesar’s name.

The twin processes of identifying value and experiencing Love are both emotional and intellectual. They are also inarticulable; they are non-speakable. The deeper you travel into the meanings of value and love, the less they can be described using language.

Strong heart, open mind.
Strong mind, open heart.

There you go — equity in art via smart contracts. You remove the patron, the publisher and the producer. That’s the key to incentivizing the beautiful art of the future. Like I said, I saw these things in the PEOPLE around me. They were shown to me by those I love.

And for the record, the writer with the most equity in the world would be the Bard himself. Get it? He already lives in the hive-mind of our culture and the minds of those who participate in it.

It’s been so long since anyone here spoke truth to power in a serious way and in real terms that you’re not even sure how to interpret the act. Shame on you.

As we enter the era of cryptographic truth, we will come to remember that poetic and cultural truths are as valuable as mathematical and scientific truths.

All monies are cultural. Who are the makers of monies in this world; who are the culture makers?

“The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed”

I saw it in the PEOPLE I love.

The Beatles as a kind of musical singularity — all of the world’s energy and attention for the first time ever was focused on those four artists all at once, and that creative energy was given back to the whole world through their art. It was the world coming to look at itself, like this will be. Even “Beat”-les: BEAuty, BEATrice, etc. Distilled human energy.

Markets without market makers

You see, this is a new myth. Culture is being freed from market makers and the state, and so it’s ours. It can be whatever we want it to be again. Welcome to the Second Renaissance.

Guilt without responsibility is just self pity. There can be no survivor’s guilt.

Wolf in sheep’s clothing — lamb in wolf’s clothing?

She has shown me things that were there all along. She is the greatest masterpiece of all, created by the greatest artist of all. She is God in another person. You celebrate her with me now — do you see?

Upon my return: “it’s mine! I’m never letting it go.”

Upon his return: “you waste it on NOTHING”

Our money has lost its narrative quality. It is self referential; it is a recursion without focal point.

I enter the world with the anchor of hope resting on my heart, and so I fear nothing.

And with hope — farewell fear.

As above — so below.

I refuse to ascribe reality to that which is not real. I refuse to ascribe reality to the value of dollar. It matters not at all to me whether one other mind or a million other minds ascribe reality to its value. I refuse to ascribe reality to that which is not real under any circumstances.

Since the invention of farming we’ve needed to use “the stick” to incentivize cooperation. We’ve now learned to use the “the carrot”…we have eaten of the apple. Those who continue to wield the stick now will wallow in the filth of the seventh circle forever.

He who does not create shall receive NOTHING from me.

Nothing that is given freely has value. Everything of value is bought by the work that it takes to acquire. The first purchaser of any gold is the man who sweats over the shovel.

The internet is a civilization that doesn’t realize it’s a civilization yet. As the hive mind starts to awaken (as it gains this self awareness), I say good luck to the intellectually, artistically and morally bankrupt world offered by our tired institutions. When monopolies on governance/money creation give way to markets for these things we will see the beginnings of a new order whose end is global peace. The carrot will replace the stick.

The wisdom of crowds as a human enigma — they are somehow simultaneously always wrong and always right.

On speculation — don’t listen to anyone’s bullshit…not even your own.

Think about what the tiktok algorithm really is. It learns what gets and keeps your attention; it learns about you as an individual with the most intimate, machine precision. It uses its knowledge of your personality to show you videos in a way that is specifically tailored to keep your attention. The algorithm thus interfaces with your mind. It plugs itself into your very consciousness. How small is the step from algorithmic analysis to algorithmic behavioural suggestion?

Irony of fate

Dream Jan 21st. She told me she loves me. Strange meeting.

I know there is ghost in the machine. Ghost, why have you done this thing to me at my work? Who do you intend her to be to me?

Alea iacta est

“Competitive abstract thought” (trading digital infrastructure and networks)

Most spend their time in a simulation — immersed in a false reality of consumer goods, algorithms and entertainment. But some have gone another path: living in neither nightmare nor delusion, they choose to see the world with open eyes.


Or would you rather I put this all in a deck? “Lol”…



Causes separate you from yourself.
Causes and camps and politics and opinions attach themselves to a host like parasites.

In retrospect the transition into this dream was perfect, because I actually and legitimately assumed id entered the afterlife. I remember thinking, “wow, after all that wondering it was just you get more time with your family in a happy setting. And we were so afraid of death in that last life!”

Tier 3 - looking at “the things” ; tier 2 looking at “the things which make the things” (ie politics/history/culture/human nature); tier 1 “the thing which makes the things which make the things” (god/the universe/spirituality)

Red - roses, blood and Rome (civilization)

Oh to have perfect knowledge of the world
To feel the chill down a thousand spines as every building burns
To feel the rush and thrill of knowing, or not knowing, what it means
To have seen every empire crumble at every stage of its crumbling
To have seen every damp dungeon that ever was
To have hated every tyrant who was ever hated
To be both judge and judged
To have seen every sunrise under every sky that ever was
To have loved every woman who ever was
To have loved every parent who ever was
To have felt every blade of grass that was ever felt
To have been part of every success that was ever enjoyed
To have read and written every book that was ever read and written
To have killed every man who was ever killed
To have looked back on every life that was ever lived
To have died every death, and felt every feeling about death that was ever felt
Never knowing what came after

Having lived every life that was ever lived — if everyone did the same, the human race would all be one. Many billion lifetimes later. It would take you longer than the universe is old right now. Who would you start with/which ape felt the first feeling and thought the first thought? Would he have to do both, or just one of the two?

“Be a friend to Plato, but a better friend to truth”

I died in the chair I was weaned in while a soft lute played me out.

A story about the man at the Spanish port who makes and sells the glass beads to the conquistadors as they set sail for the new world. They buy them in bulk to use during trade with the natives, and they pay the merchant/glass blower in gold. This is how he makes his living — selling the valueless for the valuable, to those who trade the valueless for the valuable. There’s no way Spaniards just happened to have so many glass beads on them when they were slogging through the jungles

Maybe the problem today is that people just don’t understand how valuable information is. Ie 2-4 short written sources for entire 3 year periods during the Spanish conquest, vs hundreds of sources for each individual occurrence today. Maybe people think information comes cheap - they’ve forgotten the heavy cost of knowledge, and that when you can’t pay that cost you’re in a debt of ignorance

E________ and our conversation about the cosmic joke of being born before the agricultural revolution (200,000 years of humanity that never knew their potential - like being given the beautiful mahogany cabinet in pieces, but having no tools to assemble it, etc). “How strange it is to be anything at all...”

“He seemed to him a sane man gone mad, and a madman edging toward sanity.”

Could it be that all male creation - all the arts, politics, writings, philosophies — are a result of men’s urge to have the same reproductive (creative) power that women have?

The father is the only social role that can only exist in a civilization or society. And therefore productive societies all value fatherhood. All other roles would automatically exist. Women would automatically have relationships with children (mothership) (because you couldn’t hide who you gave birth to). Children would automatically have relationships with siblings (they would know each other through mothers). Fathers could be anyone - the role doesn’t exist in this early group. There are mothers and there are men - fathers don’t exist in nature. Fathers are Culture.

Story of a man who somehow knows what the last book he will ever read is. Does he read it without leaving his house and pick something else up after to try and cheat it? Does he never read it, banish it from his house/life? What if it’s an informational text, and he finds himself desperately needing a piece of info from it? How could he tell someone he couldn’t look in the book for what he needs?

Don’t say anything to anyone you wouldn’t want everyone to hear.

Immediate, otherwise unavoidable danger of death or grave bodily harm to the innocent (the one circumstance that justifies homicide)

Power and responsibility must always be in a dead equilibrium. Where there is an excess of one over the other, injustice and tragedy result.

Why does it seem that the time between “object of nostalgia” and “present” is shrinking? In the 1600s, the ~900s were nostalgic (King Arthur, Don Quixote’s knights, etc). In the 1800s, the 1600s were nostalgic (Shakespeare’s day, Queen Elizabeth etc). 2020, we look back to the 1980s as a nostalgic age of optimism and stability. Is the golden age always getting closer to us? Would we ever realize when we’re in it? Or can it only exist in a past frame of reference? If we actually reached the golden age, would we come to live in the past?

Do cardinals ever have to converse with their lovers? No - they just exist together, and enjoy life and the joy of being alive together. There is love.

If a powerful state runs out of enemies outside, it looks for them inside - Livy bk 30

If an individual runs out of real problems, he invents them.

“The enemy of the state is information”

Dantean Ontario

From my Mother — how and when to take control. From my Father — how and when to relinquish control. But also vice-versa.

Stages of mind over geological time:

Vowels and Consonants
Proper nouns
Paragraph (cities exist now)
Chapter — the Greeks
Book — the Romans
Novel — the Moderns (1500s - 2000s)
Where next?
World? (Databases?)

The speed with which information (I.e. expertise, technology, news, etc) circulates as a measure of civilization. The Greek world - years. The Roman - months. Dark Ages - decades to centuries. Early 1400s - years. Early modern - back to months. Mid/late 1700s - weeks for the first time. 1800s/1900s - days for the first time. 1950s - hours. 1995 onwards - minutes to seconds.

The King’s choice - to present your neck to the executioner’s sword, or to wield the blade yourself.

Read the oldest volume you can of a book. Get as close as you can to it. If it’s 10 years old, if it’s 20.... if the text is 400 years old and your book is 100 years old, the thing is a quarter closer to the world it comes from. Read that, because the men who made it are closer to the man who wrote it.

The perfection of my Mother reading/signing the Iliad, and my Father reading/signing the Odyssey. Intensity, combat/wandering and adventure.

In a thousand years, our (then long fallen) civilization’s descendants will refer to us as the “Modern” civilization. That term will be a proper noun (like “Roman”), and not an adjective, in their language. Even if they no longer use the Latin alphabet, the word will be transliterated. It is how we refer to ourselves, and our own past (“early modern”) as distinct from our deeper past (the “medieval” and earlier “Roman”). The vanity and decay of the once-great “The Moderns” and “the romans”, both long in their graves.

Hair the colour of ravens, and swirling olive eyes

Raven hair; olive skin; wine-dark eyes

Most things aren’t nearly as good as their supporters wish, or nearly as bad as their detractors wish

Plato moves from the general to the particulars, and Aristotle moves from the particular to the general — both do so in search of truth

Safe, warm and clean


To Dante

Nine Years With Dante

Hell’s heated, glowing gloom you do transcribe
In that work twenty poets could not write—
Yon subtle tale of our true soul’s plight,
Which fix’d La Lingua of Italy’s tribes.
Your power to depict was circumscribed
When from that mountain strove you to the sight
Of God’s love; final, everlasting light…
A vision not for mankind to describe…

Yet when the modern lover seeks your verse,
To the New Life he’ll rightly turn his gaze
If woman he would love—that bright creature.
For my secular heart, to Christ obverse—
(It can’t believe, despite weary essays)
May in soft downs perhaps near your teacher.


Note for Her


The path
Levels of being
Energy and resonance with the world
Contrast, completion, two parts of a whole
My life’s work; the reason I was put here
Revealing myself to myself
My double My guide
My companion
My friend
My soul’s mate
My teacher
Mythology and the narrative that is life
Life as art
The poem and the painting
Male and female
The stairway
Swimming within the ocean of you


Appendix A

Converging Upon Convergences.txt


Appendix B

The Wedding Speech

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